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“Gaslighting Us Into Insanity” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

“Gaslighting Us Into Insanity”

February 13, 2024

THE news is 90 percent lies: deliberate mental torture to demoralize and break people down so they can be easily controlled.

And yet, we are told we live in a free society.

Legalman discusses the pervasive lies and brainwashing.

“Being subjected [to a world] where literally nothing makes sense whatever is extremely damaging to everyone’s mental health — and that’s exactly what they want.”

— Comments —

Kathy writes:

This was a great podcast by Legalman.

I have found that some people deal with this by simply sticking with the MSM, and accepting what they spout as real truth. It is only those of us who see the lies who are affected by the cognitive dissonance. If I had to make a guess, I would say that most people in metropolitan areas, most professional people, and most women, accept the “MSM narratives” at face value, and as true. That has been my experience. They are easily herded/ affected by what  others around them think, and they think that deferring to “experts” is a must. They are the brainwashed, the ones “in the Matrix”. They don’t seem to be suffering much, and are quite smug, and regurgitate MSM talking points almost verbatim.

The best antidote is to turn it off, read no newspapers, Enjoy classic lit mostly from prior to the 20th century, classic music, and the Bible. Detach from the inverted world as much as possible, and pray for discernment.



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