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Noise Surrounds Us « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Noise Surrounds Us

February 8, 2024

“DR. Frank Garlock, in his book, The Big Beat, describes rock as ‘characterized primarily by repetition; strong, driving beat; and intense, loud volume.’

“It is actually a type of noise which has no moral or cultural value. The dictionary describes ‘noise’ as ‘a din.’ The word, ‘din,’ is defined as ‘Noise: particularly loud, confused sound that is continued.’ The verb form of ‘din’ is defined in this way: “to assail with loud noise, to press with constant repetition.”

“In those two definitions of ‘din’ we have two of the basic and most fundamental components of rock: intense, loud volume and constant repetition!

“In his book, How to Sing for Money, Charles Henderson tells some of the secrets of captivating audiences with modern music, with the help of instruments which scoop and slide, using unresolved dissonances (6ths, 7ths, and 9ths) and repetitive use of the same few chords. Never-changing, throbbing syncopation occurs. Often two or three syncopated rhythms are played simultaneously. There is a heavy beat, with dissonances and rhythms which keep the nervous system keyed up and tense. Heavy emphasis on rhythm instruments: drums and bass guitar.

“Add to this the ‘mike in mouth’ syndrome, producing the intimate sensual sounds.

“Finally, combine all these into a ‘total sound,’ then amplify it to a screaming extreme—and you have rock.”

FROM Inside Rock Music


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