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Playing the H-Card « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Playing the H-Card

February 5, 2024

SECRETARY of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas responds to criticism for his refusal to protect the southern border.

Below, from 2015, Biden envisions “an unrelenting stream of immigration” and says “people of European descent will be in the absolute minority.” Mayorkas sits next to him.


[H/t Arminius News]

— Comments —

Robert Manning writes:

Biden openly, without a hint of reservation, but with a celebratory tone of almost elation; heralds the demise of the white European majority in the US as if nothing could make him, as a white man of the West, more proud.

White replacement – the Great Replacement – is mostly disparaged as a “white nationalist” conspiracy theory, in spite of the clear data. It’s argued that floods of millions of non-white immigrants isn’t “intended” in order to create white minorities wherever they go. That’s just the way it is. Nothing intentional.

The irony is that white replacement is intentional. It is an inside job.

Your entries highlighting the Irish protest is a case in point. A few thousand well-ordered peaceful protesters walking in formation between the police and the counter-protesters is the Irish not even rearranging the Titanic deck chairs. They are half-heartedly dusting them where they sit.

Nothing short of a bloody civil war will change the trend in Ireland. It is laughable to think that “peaceful protest” are going to turn the government and the modern liberal majority against the immigrant. Nothing will change Biden’s dream for the United States. It’s a done deal. The Irish and the former Americans of European stock will be replaced. They will blend increasingly quicker with their replacements over time. They will replace themselves. Whites no longer have the will or courage to do what they must do to preserve their white race or culture. They no longer think it worthwhile.

Some whites will lament this forever. But, the law of thermodynamics; the state of entropy in our isolated global system, won’t slow or stop because a minority wants it to. It will naturally accelerate.

There will be pockets of small populations, for sure. But, they will be anomalies.

The Han in China are nearly 1/5 of the human population, the single largest pure ethnic population on the planet. The Western world, to include the Irish, English, “American”… etc., are not going to “great wall” their rapidly shrinking less than 10% in, and clearly will never wall the welcomed and invited “other” out.

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