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Super Bowl Propaganda « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Super Bowl Propaganda

February 12, 2024

FROM Andrew Torba on Gab:

The advertising campaigns for the Super Bowl that demonize hatred are a prime example of the misguided attempts to suppress the natural and God-given emotions of mankind.

Hatred is a natural part of being a Christian because it is a natural response to evil. We are commanded to hate what the Lord hates and to hate evil. This is not the same as personal animosity, but rather a response to the sinful nature of the world.

The Bible teaches that Christians are to love their neighbors as themselves, but it also teaches that we are to hate what is evil. This includes hating sin, wickedness, and anything that opposes God’s will. It is through this hatred of evil that we are able to sincerely love what is good and righteous. Romans 12:9 – “Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.”

The demonization of hatred is a result of moral relativity and rampant secularism. It is not wrong to hate what is evil. These advertising campaigns are promoting a false narrative that hatred is something to be ashamed of.

Instead, we should be promoting the idea that hatred of evil is a necessary part of our Christian faith and always has been.


— Comments —

Tony S. writes:

The “He gets us” ad campaign is, according to CNN, funded by many “conservative” evangelical groups.

The fact that these groups believe they are conservative Christians shows us how far gone American faux-Christianity is.

Jesus’ message was for everyone (meaning not only for the people keeping the Jewish Law) but he did not accept everyone.  Jesus’ first words spoken in Mark’s gospel are “ The time is accomplished, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent, and believe the gospel.”

So, it is clear that the Son of God came with a command – Repent (of your sins). Belief comes second. Christ demands repentance – the person who is not willing to pick up his cross is not worthy of being called a follower of Christ.

“Conservative” Christians in America are often just as dangerous as the Left, maybe more so, because they twist Christ’s message leading people into eternal damnation.



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