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The Uncelebrated Power of Women « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Uncelebrated Power of Women

February 27, 2024

FROM a comment By Pete F. in 2014:

Men are naturally barbaric; left to their own devices, many males are perfectly happy to live in relative squalor. (Those disinclined to believe this are urged to hang out with a young single guy sometime). What prevents this from happening? In the traditional societies of the past, both the father and the mother (as well as other relatives and respected figures in the community) had important roles to play in civilizing boys and turning them into men.

It was the job of a father, an older brother, or perhaps a priest, drill instructor or coach to teach the boy what behavior and conduct was expected of him as a man. The mother’s role was just as vital, but different. Her job was to educate and civilize her son – not only by teaching him how a gentleman conducts himself around a lady, but by providing a comforting home and exposure to the things such as culture, manners, and all of the other habits great and small that comprise civilized behavior. Grace, beauty, decorum, kindness and all of the things that comfort us – these are the things that turn a house into a home, and into a refuge from a sometimes cold world outside that front door. Only a mother or a wife can provide those things.

When young men are mortally-wounded and are dying far from home on some foreign battlefield, their last words and thoughts are usually of their mothers (or their sweethearts) and their home. Men will suffer almost any privation or hardship to protect these things, and there is no crueler blow to a man than to deprive him of the safety, comfort and sanctuary of a home.

It is astonishing to me that so few young women are aware of the enormous power they hold as keepers of the home, hearth and family.  These things are the very basis of civilization. If one wishes to understand the tremendous ennui and dispiritedness of modern men, one could do much worse than to note the rejection by so many women of this role. For a man, there is little point in going out and taking on the world if you don’t have a happy home waiting for you at the end of the day. If women want their men to be great again, they will have to restore this missing piece of our civilization first; everything depends on it.


— Comments —

Kathy G. writes:

This is so true. I am so tired of hearing women complain about housekeeping work as if it is beneath them and drudgery. And you are spot on about the need of men for family and home. I have personally seen it make a big difference in some men. I know of 2 young men who married Chinese women, and one who is in process of arranging marriage to a Phillippine woman. I don’t think young American men want what American girls are becoming/offering. I know of a (non-college) young woman who is currently communicating with a Phillipine man she “met” through a dating site. He said he chose to contact her because she was the only one who didn’t send him naked pictures of herself. It doesn’t bode well.

Laura writes:




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