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Tucker’s Putin Interview « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Tucker’s Putin Interview

February 12, 2024

COMMENTS on Telegram:

Tucker Carlson’s interview of Putin is honestly his best one ever.

It confirms everything we knew about the war. That it wasn’t about NATO’s expansion but Russian imperial expansion.

The irony of this all is that Tucker was running excuses for Putin earlier by blaming the US and not Russian (Putin’s) internal motivations. Now he won’t be able to.

Tucker didn’t want to hear Putin’s historical lecture (Putin’s casus belli for why Ukraine doesn’t exist) and that is why he was interrupting him so much. What Putin said in this interview completely overrides every single excuse that Tucker has previously assigned to him.


So Ziggers, remember: this is your current narrative. Russia is at war with Ukraine not because of US has provoked it or NATO has expended too close into Russia’s borders but because Ukraine doesn’t exist and that is why it must be ruled by Moscow.

Full transcript of interview.


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