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Whither Europe? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Whither Europe?

February 6, 2024

“AS has been said, Christianity cannot be accused of failure: it is European man that can, with strict justice, be accused of failure, because, on the whole, he has failed to respond to the appeal of Christianity. It is more than doubtful if it can be maintained with any truth that, at any time, since the beginning of the Christian era, any body politic whole-heartedly accepted and applied the full Christian programme in the organisation and regulation of its life. Doubtless such an application has been made partially and, on occasions, even to some considerable extent. But the Christian philosophy of life, in its political and social aspects, was never given full and unhampered play in moulding the public life of the nations of Europe.”

Why the Cross?Edward Leen (Sheed and Ward, 1938)


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