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The Religious Beliefs of Secular Jews « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Religious Beliefs of Secular Jews

March 2, 2024

DENNIS Prager, who himself is Jewish, describes the religiosity of Jews who no longer follow traditional religious practices.

“Jews are to ‘isms’ what Italians are to opera. They create new movements.”

— Comments —

Kathy writes:

I think Dennis Prager is dancing around the basic problem, that has always been the problem from the time of Christ.

Judaism is a philosophy of materialism. They rejected and killed Christ because he was integrating Faith, the supernatural, with the material world, the carnal man with a higher reality. Jews are materialists, and all the “isms” are derivations of this mindset.

Create the world in our image, and we are gods because we can do it through physical means. They despised Christ because they wanted a warrior who would lead them to world domination, and Christ taught the reverse of that, that this life is preparation for a spiritual world beyond this one.

They understand that they must separate Faith from Reason, strip away ideas of objective morality, order to the universe, God’s Law, or Natural Law. There are only the laws of men, “do as thou wilt”. And they do.

They understand Christian morality and do not hesitate to exploit it to their advantage, ie: “white guilt”, the holocaust narrative, endless commercials clearly aimed at Christian Americans to feed elderly “holocaust survivors” living in poverty, when there are so many uberwealthy Jews who could end the problem overnight. They scam us by exploiting the Christian mandate to love our neighbor, and are forever explaining to Christians “what Christianity is” through their dominance in every institution, agency, government.

The materialist worldview is satanic because it denies God, the soul, morality. Domination and enslavement, molding the world, Creation, itself, to their image, it is all of those isms, and it is evil.

The integrated, self-actualized person ignores the materialist teachings, nurtures the spiritual aspect of his nature, and that improves the carnal, fleshly part of him. The Jews always exploit the carnal nature of man, and that is why they deny the spiritual, hide God, and always try to split the mind of man from his spiritual roots.

Laura writes:

Very good.

The “isms” are all messianic religion focused on creating an earthly utopia. Interestingly, they always increase the power of Jews over others. That said, many Jews are sincere in their desire to make the world a better place. They are unfortunately led in certain directions by the rabbis they don’t even follow, men who fill them with fear, and by their own materialistic mindset.



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