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The Truth about Racial Discrimination « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Truth about Racial Discrimination

March 2, 2024

THE South African writer Jan Lamprecht wrote in 2017:

What people refer to as “Racial Discrimination”, is nothing more than logic in action. You can legislate against it all you want and even throw people in jail but you will never kill it. You will never kill it because it is the truth, and even if people don’t know it exists they will sooner or later realize it for themselves. It will never die until the root cause of it is addressed. Any white or Asian person who remains in contact with black people for any length of time (years, or more likely decades), stands a very good chance of becoming a racist. I have seen this happen, and it is a fact of life. It often occurs that people from Europe or America come to Africa and stay here for a long time, and the process will cause them to become “racist”. Even Dr Albert Schweitzer, who devoted his life to helping black people in his little hospital, made statements which would be regarded as extremely racist.

Why do I say that people will become racist? Well, its because when you live among blacks for any length of time you start to realize that they are often their own worst enemies. You begin to realize that they are often the cause of their own disasters, and it also happens that many of them refuse to listen to reason. You can tell them the problem, but they won’t listen until its too late. Black people rule more than 50 countries on this planet, and every one is a virtual disaster area. In the very few which have not become a disaster zone, you will discover that there are either white people or Asian people who are the backbone of the economy, OR you will find the country receiving tons of foreign aid from Western nations. What causes racism is the simple logic that people eventually wake up to the fact that most of the disasters and suffering which befall blacks are of their own making. When one is distant from lots of black people, or one lives in a society dominated by whites you do not spot this fact that easily. What happens is that when people get involved with black people and get to know them well that they then begin to realize their shortcomings and this is how racism comes into being. That is why Police in the USA for example, are among the first to become racist.

The USA and Europe are getting a good share of illegal black immigrants, and one can already see the rise of racism in reaction to this. Indeed, in Europe, one sees this situation is already far more advanced and one can see the resultant growth in the Far Right as a result. It seems to me that racism is going to be on the rise worldwide as black refugees, from failed black countries continue running away from messes which they created. The rest of the Western world is slowly, very slowly, starting to wake up to facts about blacks which we in Africa have known for a very long time.



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