To Heck with the Irish
March 17, 2024

ON this Patrick’s Day, when the Irish wear green hats, drink cups of green beer and drown the memory of a holy saint in hedonism and nauseating sentimentality, it’s a good time to bear in mind that the Irish fully deserve the chastisement they are currently experiencing. I say this as someone with 100 percent Irish heritage.
The Irish as a distinct people face one of the gravest threats in their entire history, under the heel of “globalist” forces and the planned, lavishly-funded invasion of foreigners.
And they deserve it. They are a decadent and hard-hearted people. I include myself in this description. I too have been decadent and hard-hearted. I am not proud to be Irish today.
The Lord brought his strong anger upon us, and scattered us among many nations even to the ends of the earth. It was among foreigners that it was seen how little I was.
St. Patrick spoke these words in the fifth century. He was not Irish, but his statements easily apply to the land he helped convert, after arriving as a Roman-British slave.
We deserved this, because we had gone away from God, and did not keep his commandments. We would not listen to our priests, who advised us about how we could be saved.
The Irish — even more so the Irish in America — have not listened. Having been the beneficiaries of extraordinary graces as a people, graces which often came with devastating persecution, they then stood by while the See of Peter was usurped in 1958 and Ireland’s sacred altars stripped. They embraced materialism, feminism and child-destroying contraception, threatening their own existence as a distinct people. They have become, in many cases, as godless as the pagans who once worshipped stones and fairies. No, they have become much, much worse. Those pagans were never tempted by the ridiculous creeds of atheism. The pagans saw evidence of the supernatural everywhere — in the sky, the trees, the cliffs, the rolling waters, and the swards of endless green. The Irish today can look at all this and say, “There is no God.” They have thick heads and hearts of stone.
Instead of priests, the Irish have laymen who deprecate the faith and teach them the Modernist creed. The Irish have thrown the Cross aside, replacing sacred wisdom and learning accumulated over millennia with a vague, sentimental religiosity. They don’t want the burden of the truth, the burden of standing out and seeming different from everyone else. God forbid we should be different! Except for the wearing of cute shamrocks and the drinking of green beer, don’cha know. They were once different, but they prefer ease now. The Irish fit in with the world, they are of the world and therefore the Irish no longer deserve to exist as a distinct people, not that I think the very possibility shouldn’t be angrily resisted.
We would not listen to our priests, who advised us about how we could be saved.
There are times for fun, celebration and even green beer, but today is not one of them. These festivities for St. Patrick are as empty, materialistic and soulless as the Irish are. Let’s hope the cathedral named after the famous saint in New York City, recently the scene of a particularly outrageous blasphemy, comes falling to the ground someday soon and is visibly reduced to the pile of rubbish it already has become. God has every reason to chastise the Irish for their betrayal.
I repeat: “To heck with the Irish.”
Christ with me,
Christ before me,
Christ behind me,
Christ in me,
Christ beneath me,
Christ above me,
Christ on my right,
Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down,
Christ when I sit down,
Christ when I arise,
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.
— From St. Patrick’s Breastplate
— Comments —
Tony S. writes:
With respect to your assessment of the Irish, as an Italian, I think you are being too hard on your people. The truth is that what you wrote regarding the Irish holds for all European peoples. After the destruction of the Church by the Protestant Revolution, the Enlightenment, American liberty, free-masonry, the materialist ideologies of capitalism, socialism, and communism – well, the sheep are without protection. And the sheep either fall to one of the virtue-signaling “-isms” of our time or simply are left as demotivated and demoralized hedonists.
Without the Church we are unprotected sheep. How many souls will make it through this world intact?
Kathy G. writes:
That little Ireland, and the Irish, should be genocided demographically is bad enough, but evil is never appeased. Euthanasia is so horrifically evil. Note the joyous expression on this genocidal “activist” Christ hater’s face. She barely restrains herself from rubbing her hands together. “Ireland has been through so many changes (Divorce laws, homosexual “marriage”, abortion) and now “it’s time” for (euthanasia)”. So CARING!
God have mercy on the Irish, and us.