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Financial Superstition « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Financial Superstition

May 30, 2024

An Astrologer casting a Horoscope, Robert Fludd

“WE are sometimes ready to congratulate ourselves that our age has outgrown all superstitions. But the historian of the future will, I fancy, reckon in the same class as number-worship and astrology and the study of the gizzards of birds the strange superstition that, whenever money is invented, a percentage must be paid for ever afterwards as a propitiation to a banker. It is on that superstition that the whole empire of Mammon is built. There is no basis for it in reason, and in our day, when it has for the first time been overtly recognized and challenged, the defenders of it have utterly failed to justify their superstition … It is inconceivable that the world will be content for long … to tolerate want with abundance all around, the destruction of food while men and women and children are perishing for the lack of it. And if sound finance continues to put forward such a demand, then at the last, it will be so much the worse for sound finance.”

—- Christopher Hollis, The Breakdown of Money1934


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