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Grandma Police Chief « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Grandma Police Chief

May 16, 2024

KATHY G. writes in response to this entry on the New Orleans police chief, Anne Kirkpatrick, who looks like she is wearing a ridiculous costume with an oversized cap:

I see these installed agents, like this grandma chief, and what jumps out is the reality of a woman (a silly, old woman!), attempting to fill a masculine role, and instead of thinking “See? Anything he can do, she can do”, I see a pathetic, anemic imitation of maleness.

It screams weakness, emotional thinking, and denial of the natural order and physical attributes. It is inversion, camouflaged as “equality”. It denies the unique attributes of both sexes, and attempts to impose the idea of amorphous and fungible human beings. To do this, all logic, intelligence, and biological realities must be eradicated from the thought process, made irrelevant in the minds of people. In short, it’s a psyop.

So true.

If you had asked people 50 years ago about a woman, especially a senior woman, working as the police chief of a major city, most would have laughed. The idea would have struck them as absurd.

Women in roles of masculine authority are a form of transgenderism. It’s just as bad as men playing on a women’s soccer team. It has a strong psychological effect on girls and young women, leading them to believe it is possible to be a man and a woman at the same time.

I bet every single officer, at least the men, under a female police chief knows, but won’t ever say it, that the whole thing is a political stunt  and a game of make-believe. Women are totally unnecessary in these jobs. There are plenty of men who want them and would thrive in them. Women bring nothing of value to these roles that men could not provide and they can’t bring essential qualities that are necessary.

This psyop is intent on the destruction of the family and social order. Without that social order, there is more crime, not less. Therefore, as I said before, the ideology that leads to female police chiefs creates the need for more police. For government, that’s a good thing, but it’s horrible for society. A confused, disoriented populace is great for big government.

Ideologues with their utopian mind games don’t make life for ordinary people better. With their collective disconnect from reality and their belief that every social problem can be cured by more government, they make things so much worse.

Oh, and by the way, there isn’t a single little girl on the planet, at least not a normal girl, who wants to be a police chief when she grows up. There are no little girls who want to dress up in absurd, over-sized police caps. (Although, to be fair, some little girls enjoy bossing people around.)

It takes a village to turn little girls and little boys into Commie ideologues. But sadly it is possible, as we see in our times, to eradicate human nature.

We can’t change these things. We can’t reverse them. We can only hate with a burning passion the misbegotten ideas behind them.


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