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Love and Peace from a Reader « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Love and Peace from a Reader

May 24, 2024

PETER A. writes:

Thank you so much for all the information (your words and others) on life and world events.

Thank you for standing up for Our Father In Heaven and speaking the truth about life in this present world. So much has been resolved and so much evil and sickness continues, both in deed and disruption of human lives, families, and faith.

The Beautiful Thing is that Our Faith cannot be discarded. God knows the workings of evil. As we seek His Forgiveness for Our Trespasses, we are Forgiven. I Trust Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Our Savior, Our Holy God and Our Holy Ghost for loving, protecting and providing His Grace.

Laura, thank you so very much for sharing your thoughts and for your support, love and kindness.

— Comments —

Dianne writes:


Hurricane Betsy writes:

That is a beautiful embroidery or painting or photo of an embroidery, can’t tell which.

About this statement “As we seek His Forgiveness for Our Trespasses, we are Forgiven.”

My understanding is different, namely, that we can repent and ask for forgiveness but we still have to make restitution, voluntarily and thoroughly, or God will see to things according to his own flawless, perfect justice.

I can spit on the sidewalk or say bad words,  piggish behaviors,  venial sins, easily pardoned,  but there are cruel actions over a lifetime which can’t be magically absolved merely through prayer and sorrowful repentance.

If my understanding is correct or not, I don’t know.

Laura writes:

The image is an example of Pennsylvania Dutch fraktur. I believe it is from a marriage certificate.

Thank you for the correction. I didn’t notice that, but should have. You are absolutely correct. In this time of the Great Apostasy, when we have no valid and licit clergy, we must follow the Church’s teachings faithfully, seeking forgiveness, first, through acts of Perfect Contrition and, secondly, through penance, making restitution whenever possible.

That said, I am grateful for Peter’s warmth and appreciation. Thank you.



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