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Mommy Mayors and Cuddly Commissars « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Mommy Mayors and Cuddly Commissars

May 31, 2024

Missouri Congresswoman Cori Bush loves you

ALAN writes:

I have no doubt that anti-feminist philosopher Anthony Ludovici would agree with your remarks and those of Kathy G. in the entry “Grandma Police Chief.” I would extend those remarks to include women police officers, mayors, governors, and “congresspersons.” All such victories for feminists are merely additional signposts on the road to national and cultural suicide. A corollary question is:  Why do we Americans submit to this?, as Dr. Susan Huck asked in her 1997 book by that name. But why they put up with it is less significant than that they put up with it.

Regarding the consequences of female emancipation in England in 1918 and the years after, Dr. Ludovici wrote:

I was alone in pointing out that the dominance of women must culminate in an era of rampant anarchy, and I made myself extremely unpopular for so doing.

….That feminine dominion must consequently lead to a general decline in discipline, law and order, should have been recognized by all well-informed leaders of society.  Yet we have seen the era of indiscipline and laisser-aller come about, with all its accompanying symptoms of increasing crime, raging juvenile delinquency and general social anarchy….”

(Anthony Ludovici, “Feelings masquerading as thoughts in the modern world,” 1963)

His words are noteworthy because they describe exactly the conditions of life in St. Louis today in the wake of two women mayors. Crime, vandalism, anarchy, agitation, and militant contempt for rules, laws, and civility have surged to a degree I have never seen in seven decades of life in this city.

But instead of law enforcement, what do feminists offer us?  Mush.

“Your Congressperson Loves You!” That ludicrous blurb appears in a poster in the corner window of that “congressperson’s” office in downtown St. Louis. Rep. Cori Bush is in the forefront of agitation for any destructive ideological cause you could think up. “Radical love is the driving force behind my work in Congress,” she says. (Speaking of “radical love,” Bush was campaigning to defund police, threatening the further loss of physical security for her crime-embattled constituents, when she married her security guard, hired for a generous sum to protect her after they became romantically involved.)

The most noteworthy thing about such a blurb is not that it appears there but that it provokes no laughter or opposition — from which we may infer that the taxpayers of St. Louis see nothing absurd about it and nothing wrong with it.

That is a clue to the moral-philosophical rot that infuses “The Law” in St. Louis today — whereas the imbecility of “Your Congressperson Loves You” would have been obvious to ordinary people in pre-feminist times. People who venture downtown today may be assaulted, robbed, approached repeatedly by men or aggressive young thugs asking for handouts, have their cars stolen, be struck by motorists speeding through the streets or through red lights or in the wrong direction on one-way streets, shot on Metro Link platforms or hit by ricocheting bullets, or be overwhelmed by the feeling of degradation engendered by huge office buildings abandoned or vandalized and by spectacles of ugliness that Communists call “art”.  Instead, they should take warm and fuzzy comfort in the knowledge that their “congressperson” loves them. Remember: Mommy Government is in your corner.

Are there words adequate to describe such imbecility? But that is not the worst of it. The worst is that St. Louisans lap it up.

I suggest that Bush “loves” her constituents because they give her the power that she and her comrades crave: Not the power to enforce rules and laws, defend the rights and property of law-abiding citizens, or make the streets clean and safe, responsibilities that they hate more than anything — but the power to continue and increase propaganda for big-government projects.

“Female sensibilities being applied to police work is the biggest reason that criminals are not scared of the police anymore,” wrote police officer “Eric” in 2010.  (“The Sad Farce of Women Police“, The Thinking Housewife, Feb. 1, 2010)

Boy, did he ever get that right.  The proof is plainly evident on the streets of St. Louis.  Here are a few examples of how confident criminals became during the reign of two women mayors, one white, one black, in the years 2017-2024:

— Agitators destroying a 7-Eleven store downtown while “The Law” stood by and did nothing.

— Thugs enjoying a weekend of homicide, burglaries, and car break-ins downtown while “The Law” slept.

— Group of “teens” fighting, milling about, and blocking traffic on Pine Street.

— Gunshots at high noon outside school at 15th and Olive Streets, a school notorious for fights in a location notorious for gunplay.

— Multiple gunshots, injuries, cars damaged, and groups of “teens” milling about on Washington Avenue while “The Law” continued sleeping.

— Four people shot and wounded in a restaurant on Tucker Blvd., where a friend and I dined many times in 2003-’08 (but we never got shot).

— Man on sidewalk shot and killed at ten o’clock one morning in plain sight; captured on video.

— News item:  “Four teens kill man at gas station just south of downtown…”

— Man shot and killed at 3:30 one afternoon on block across from historic Old Courthouse.

— Two shootings and entry door glass blown out in loft apartment building on Washington Avenue. Residents say the building is in chaos. That’s odd:  It wasn’t that way when my mother and many other white women worked as seamstresses in that building in the 1960s.

— Man (“Dartarius”) arrested for trying to rape women at two underground Metro Link stations downtown.

— Woman shot and killed and two men shot in downtown parking garage.

— Groups of “teenagers” seen and filmed milling about and fighting in the middle of Locust Street downtown at 1 a.m.  Police dispersed the “teens” twice, thus illustrating who controls whom.  Then they find numerous bullet holes in two cars parked nearby.

— “Teens” attend a “party” in an office building.  The outcome: Eleven wounded, one dead, shattered glass, and walls festooned with bullet holes and blood.

— A storefront that was once home to a police substation is vandalized in the heart of downtown.

— Groups of “the homeless” (read: trained agitators) put up tents in the same block with City Hall and harassed passersby for handouts. One of them shot another and was then shot and killed by a policeman.  So what?  The Feminist Mayor ordered the tents taken down, thus prompting “the homeless” to move their operations one block west.  Obviously the definitive solution.

— Shell Station in business for decades at busy intersection downtown closes because of unchecked crime; FedEx store in business for decades closes; two entire blocks of buildings downtown are vandalized repeatedly; Metro Link station at 8th and Pine Streets is closed “temporarily” because of unchecked crime and vandalism.

— Gangs of motorcycle thugs love to disturb the peace by riding through residential areas while making as much noise as they can and doing wheelies, while “The Law” remains comfortably asleep.

I know people who wanted to see exhibits in the Central Library downtown last year, but would not go there because they knew the streets around it are infested with panhandlers and opportunists while “The Law” sleeps.

Just a few days before I wrote these words, two men were shot and wounded and two others killed within walking distance from that library, and a glass entry door there was shattered when a disgruntled scholar slammed it shut after being escorted out of the building for having created a disturbance inside (he thus created two disturbances at no extra charge).

Grassy areas around City Hall are now fenced off because feminists lack the spine to keep agitators from loitering there. Other feminists keep busy by making up new excuses for young criminals, for whom they profess infinite “compassion” and “understanding” (and to hell with their victims). And let’s not overlook the former St. Louis prosecuting attorney — black, feminist, and leftist — who resigned from her office when her soft-on-crime operating procedures came under increasing scrutiny and who is now hiding out from Missouri’s Attorney General who says he wants to investigate her misfeasance and malfeasance.

These are sparkling examples of the consequences of feminist ideology, predicated on the Triple-A School of Law Enforcement:  Appease, Apologize, and Accommodate.

Attacks on language and word precision are standing operating procedure in Feminocracy. According to “news outlets” in St. Louis, no one ever breaks the law or does anything wrong. Instead, things “happen.” Something they call “violence” just “happens”. Every week, shootings “happen.” People are just lolling around when, all of a sudden, shootings “happen.”

That of course is nonsense and pure mendacity on the part of both groups: “The Law” and the journalists.  Thunderstorms, earthquakes, and hurricanes happen. Shootings do not “happen”. They are made to happen. To shoot or not to shoot is an act preceded by a choice — a choice made not by nature but by people who possess moral agency. Feminists know this but resent it because it is an obstacle on their path to establish Mommy Government wherein feminists will administer “non-judgmental” law in order not to hurt the feelings of thugs and murderers and to usher in a golden age of peace and love where everybody will live happily ever after.

(To see the difference a century has made in the practice of law enforcement and journalism in St. Louis, compare today’s feminized and semi-literate coverage of crime and punishment with the richly-detailed, plain-language accounts printed in the St. Louis Police Journal in the 1920s-’30s.)

In his 2013 book City Dweller: A Lifetime of Living and Working in St. Louis, Patrick Kleaver recalled more than 41 places in downtown St. Louis that he remembered from the 1980s, and I can remember 21 additional such places from the 1960s, all of which are now closed, vacant, vandalized, or dust. A newspaper article in 1982 promoted 36 places downtown where people could shop.  All of them are long gone.

Destruction and abandonment on such a scale are not possible without profound moral cowardice on the part of multiple generations of white men who failed to defend what their ancestors built, their own property, their own rights and those of their families and fellow citizens, and the right of their descendants to speak the truth about what lies in front of them in plain sight. Historians a hundred years hence will wonder why those white men were such craven fools.

Motorcycle punks and feminized boy-men in city government who provide an echo chamber for feminist mayors and “congresspersons” — such are the pathetic remnants of traditional American manhood.

Feminist women were not responsible for the degradation and takedown of St. Louis. But they have increased and accelerated it.

A former alderwoman has announced that she will enter the next mayoral election to offer an alternative to the incumbent.  Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!  Some alternative! Voters will thus be able to choose between two feminists, a prospect my father and uncles could not have imagined in their worst nightmares.



— Comments —

Dianne writes:

So good…so true. Women have helped usher in this new ultra-liberal era.

And what of the police who over the last decade or so have been encouraged to attend block parties in uniform, dance with the people, help paint their neighborhood…to me this has all been wrong, too.  The police need to be feared. They are not anyone’s “buddy”.  Their job is hard enough … they haven’t needed to be “neutered” like this. The good cops are leaving now.

My Dad was a police officer in Wallingford, CT. Even back then, he saw things he couldn’t even mention, he would say.  Imagine now, in cities?

We have gone to pot. Literally.

I really appreciate Alan’s posts.

Kahty G. writes:

Everything Alan writes is true. The gall of Cori Bush wearing a pink T-shirt that says “Your Congresswoman Loves You” illustrates his points perfectly. Leaving aside the fact that this woman is one of the more marxist of “our Congress” and that faction has been quite adamant that biological sex is a social construct and that women do not exist/cannot be defined, this is so patronizing. It is the quintessential message of the kakistocracy we are enduring. It is a blatant lie. Congress has demonstrated repeatedly that they despise Americans, and want us gone, and replaced with an illegal class that can be enslaved and exploited at will. Are we supposed to care if “our representatives” love us? This is T-shirt talk is cheap emotional blather, from entitled, detached, and installed agents …many who are outright crooks who exempt themselves from laws they apply to those they loooovve so much.Oh, what would we do without these emo dunces “governing” us, reassuring us they love us while eagerly dismantling the nation? Or maybe it is what self annointed state-gods just do, to calm their worshippers.

Laura writes:

Radical love is a boot in the face.



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