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Readings on Corpus Christi « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Readings on Corpus Christi

May 30, 2024

ON this feast in honor of the Eucharist, of which there is nothing greater in creation, readings can be found here.

O precious and wonderful banquet, health-giving and full of all sweetness! What could be more precious than this banquet, in which no longer as under the law the flesh of calves and goats is eaten, but Christ the true God is set before us that we may receive Him? 

— St. Thomas Aquinas

Even in this time of the great apostasy, when this mystical bread has been withdrawn from us as a much deserved chastisement, we can honor this sacrament, and like the Israelites of old who received miraculous manna as nourishment, seek it as indispensable spiritual nourishment, expressing our gratitude for this heavenly food come from above. What are we wretches without Thee, Sweet Bread? Nothing at all.

Act of Spiritual Communion

O Jesus, my soul hungers and thirsts after Thee. I long to receive every day Thy most Holy Body. I implore, at least, Thy spiritual presence. I beg of Thee to descend into my soul and give me some share in the infinite merits of Thy death, the memory of which we celebrate in this Mass. Grant, O loving Saviour, that I may be made one in union with Thee and Thy Mystical Body.

(St. Andrew’s Missal)

Adoro Te Devote

I devoutly adore you, O hidden God,
Truly hidden beneath these appearances.
My whole heart submits to you,
And in contemplating you,
It surrenders itself completely.

Sight, touch, taste are all deceived
In their judgment of you,
But hearing suffices firmly to believe.
I believe all that the Son of God has spoken;
There is nothing truer than this word of truth.

O memorial of our Lord’s death!
Living bread that gives life to man,
Grant my soul to live on you,
And always to savor your sweetness.

Lord Jesus, Good Pelican,
wash me clean with your blood,
One drop of which can free
the entire world of all its sins.

Jesus, whom now I see hidden,
I ask you to fulfill what I so desire:
That on seeing you face to face,
I may be happy in seeing your glory. Amen


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