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Auster on Sentimental Universalism « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Auster on Sentimental Universalism

June 10, 2024

“TO put the best possible construction on it, these modern Episcopalians believe that secular experience and the embrace of diversity is the vehicle through which Christ is realized. Even under that more charitable interpretation, however, they still seem to have little or no conception of Christianity as something beyond the human, beyond our little selves and our relationships and all the rest of it. Christian experience doesn’t come out of our particularities. What crap! Christian experience comes from beyond our particularities, it comes from God. It is what shows us the true meaning of our particularities and helps us relate to them in a true, God-centered way. It is the key to right living in this world because it comes from beyond this world.”

— From “Auster vs. the Religion of the Last Man

— Comments —

Michael S. writes:

KSG wrote: “I would love to know Mr Auster’s views if he were alive now.”

Yeah, you can say that again. I have often wondered the same thing myself. The word “apoplectic” comes to mind.


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