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God is Less Judgmental than People « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

God is Less Judgmental than People

June 28, 2024

                                         Deer in the Adirondacks, Winslow Homer (1889)

GOD’S enemies say that He is harshly judgmental. He is mean and wrathful. He sends souls to hell for minor offenses. He condemns perfectly nice people. It’s always His way. 

The truth is, compared to human beings, God is indulgent and merciful, at times more servant than master.

God could destroy those who oppose Him whenever He pleased.

But when the sun shines, it shines just the same on those who love Him as those who hate Him.

He gives His enemies health and riches. He gives them friends and family. He gives them the joy of offspring and the companionship of animals. He gives the stars, the moon, lakes that sparkle on a summer day and fields brimming with food. He gives the capacity for fun and the means to find it. He gives life itself.

Human beings often judge harshly and punish unjustly. They do not indulge their enemies.

“Strange to say! intimately as we know our own wretchedness, and appalled as we often are by the vision of our own sins, our sense of security in the hands of God rises in great measure from the fact that He knows us better than any one else can know us,”wrote Fr. Frederick Faber in his book The Creator And The Creature; Or The Wonders Of Divine Love.

“When we often appear careless and unkind, some secret sorrow is oppressing us, or anxiety disturbing us, or responsibility harassing us. Now God sees all this rightly, and man cannot. God does not judge us by any of these things; man must. Hence it is, a strange conclusion for sinners to come to that God loves us better than men do, because He knows us better.”

Even sickness and poverty God gives only as a potential path to higher gifts. Death is not an end, but a beginning.

Rejoice, you will be judged in the end by God and not human beings. He honors even those He sends to Hell. He accepts what they have willed and He is never wrong.


— Comments —

Kathy writes:

Very nice posting on God’s judgement. I marvel at His patience. It will be coming to an end, and I tremble to think of what is coming in that day of wrath. I can only imagine, with my puny intellect and grasp of God, that He is waiting for conversions and the saving of as many souls as possible. I’m sure He knows who is coming around, and who isn’t.



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