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Losing Control over Gen Z « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Losing Control over Gen Z

June 5, 2024


This is why Jews had to orchestrate and carry out the 10/7 theater. Gen Z REJECTS the Holocaust narrative. It’s not even a rejection of facts as much as it a rejection of Jewish victimhood. Gen Z has been raised completely surrounded by Jewish power. They cannot connect Jews to victimhood unlike older Whites who never really knew Jews growing up. Gen Z might be lazy and they might not be able to tell time or write or read cursive, but they see through the ridiculous bullshit that previous gens did not. Accordingly, JIPs (Jews-in-Power) made sure 10/7 was at a concert to “connect” with the Gen Zers. It was such a blatant Hollywood script it’s not even funny. (Source)

[Note: Above recording is alleged to be of Jonathan Greenblatt. It sounds like him, but it is possible it is not.]

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