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Mrs. Binzer Speaks « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Mrs. Binzer Speaks

June 17, 2024

PATRICK O. writes in response to the entry “Golden Boy:”

Lutheran science teacher with a chart depicting the evolution of a Neanderthal man into a human? Well, it certainly wasn’t a Missouri Synod Lutheran, at least not the Lutherans I know. They think, they know that evolution is nonsense. Betcha that Fr. Shudda believed it, though. Perhaps a long-range cause and effect as to why his school was closing.

Laura writes:

Thank you for your comments.

I received an e-mail yesterday on this very matter from Mrs. Binzer herself. (Fictitious characters occasionally correct their authors.)

Dear Mrs. Wood,

I am writing to correct the erroneous information in your June 14, 2024 post.

I am not a Lutheran, as you reported. I am a congregant at the Forgiveness Worship Center in New Minetown, Pa. At the Forgiveness Center, we are committed to fostering a community-driven environment.

I am grateful that Fr. Shudda never once tried to convert me to the rigid, authoritarian and dogmatic beliefs of the Catholic Church. I appreciate his warm comments about my scientific expertise.


Mrs. A. Binzer


— End of Initial Entry —

Patrick writes:

Well, thanks to Mrs. Binzer, we know now that Fr. Shudda was very likely not all that convinced himself of the “the rigid, authoritarian and dogmatic beliefs of the Catholic Church.” But I have a certain sympathy for the Fr. Shuddas of the Church, described as an old priest. He may have lost his Faith, but the antics of the Conciliar Church made it so easy for him to do so. Yet still his fault.

Laura writes:

God apparently has sympathy for them too.

He has given them — and all of us — more than 60 years to see the truth.



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