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Power-Crazy, “Christian” Multiculturalists « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Power-Crazy, “Christian” Multiculturalists

June 10, 2024

FROM Warburg and the Kalergi Plan by Captain Arthur Rogers (1955):

ALTHOUGH the public of the United Kingdom have no direct political responsibility for the affairs of Her Majesty’ s Dominion of South Africa, they have been subjected to noisy agitation against the policy of “apartheid.”

This agitation has been promoted largely by an organisation, which, although calling itself “Christian Action” (not to be confused with Catholic Action), is remarkable for the manner in which it substitutes leftist “ sentimentality for true morality., It condemns all racial or colour discrimination out of hand, regardless of the reasons, or the consequences, or of common sense.

It observes that persons of European origin in Africa have a tendency not only to consider themselves superior to Africans but also to treat them unjustly, as inferior beings. If this’ is, unfortunately, to some extent true, and perhaps at present almost inevitable, it might well afford a strong argument for, rather than against, “apartheid” in some form, but the agitators will have none of it. They call it persecution.

Generally speaking, those of the European clergy from South Africa who are engaged in this agitation do not seem to realise that the Christianity they profess to preach is a universal religion – that the conversion of Africans does not imply that they must become European or as near European as possible.

Indeed, these clergymen, although they insist that all races are equal in every way, indicate that they really believe that they themselves, as Europeans, are inherently superior and that it would be repressive and unjust to question any unattainable desire that Africans may have of becoming Europeans too.

There are, however, in South Africa many clergy who think quite differently while large bodies of Africans have declared themselves in favour of “apartheid.” The agitation by Christian Action” is essentially political; it is without moral content and it is non-African.

[bold added]


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