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The Myth of Non-Responsibility « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Myth of Non-Responsibility

June 24, 2024

ALAN writes:

I read a funny article last week.  “Fentanyl Arrives in Poland, Shocking Video Captures Its Devastating Effects” was the headline.

The article asserted that Fentanyl is “a drug that has ravaged the United States and taken hundreds of thousands of lives.” It is “a drug that is increasingly infiltrating Europe.”

So I wondered: On which flight did it arrive? And what a remarkable fellow Mr. Fentanyl must be: He “ravages”, he ‘takes lives”, and he “infiltrates”.  My, he is a busy fellow.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!

If you seek the principal reasons for the decline of law, order, and common sense in the world around us, there — in two brief paragraphs — is one of them.  Whoever writes such things is, in effect, a functionary for Newspeak and the New World Order.

The simple truth is that Fentanyl does not “do” anything, just as cocaine and heroin and morphine and liquor do not “do” anything.  They cannot “do” anything. Only moral agents can “do” anything. Fentanyl does not “get” into anyone’s body without that person’s “doing” whatever is necessary to put it there.

“Drugs”, water, alcohol, pesticides — none of them “do” anything. People who use them are the doers. None of those things possess moral agency.  People who choose to use those things are the moral agents.

The war on moral agency has been going on for decades. It has been sanctioned variously by governments of all political persuasions, statesmen, bureaucrats, [false] popes, princes, presidents, advice columnists, do-gooders, sob sisters, “doctors”, “scientists”, welfare agencies, forensic psychiatrists, and racketeers in medicine, pharmacology, and the excuse-making industries. All such people have a vested interest in the Myth of Non-Responsibility — which means the denial of moral agency and the attribution of magical powers to such things as guns, drugs, and the Demon Rum.

It is an extremely popular part of the bread and circuses by which modern folks amuse and deceive themselves.


— Comments —

Kathy writes:

Alan is correct. The angst over “the Chinese” flooding the US with Fentanyl and “killing our children” makes zero sense. If people are going to abuse drugs, or use drugs for recreation from dubious sources, how can anyone protect them? By stripping the rights of non-abusers to have access to simple drugs, like codeine cough syrup? It is asinine. Codeine is cheap, highly effective and no longer available without a prescription…and good luck getting a prescription for it. I take no meds, but got a bad cough and asked the doctor to prescribe me some. She looked at me like I was a skid row junkie and wrote for something “newer and better” and WAY more expensive. It did not work, of course. But, somehow Fentanyl lurks behind bushes, just jumping out and killing people.




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