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Fake Until Proven Real « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Fake Until Proven Real

July 13, 2024

TRUMP flashes Communist fist after he’s allegedly shot.


— Comments —

Janice G. writes:

One hundred percent!

I think that not long ago, when truth was valued by all (or most), it would be a sign of insanity for a person to deny what he saw. Conversely, now that we are living in a world of high tech trickery and deep lies perpetrated on us by the powerful, it is the sane who are questioning the reality of these outrageous events paraded before our eyes almost every other day!

The red flags are flying with this one.
*Commie rags like the New York Times are wailing and wagging their fingers at “conspiracy theories” that the shooting of “conservative” Trump (by one of their own favorite boogeymen – a white), was possibly faked.
*Once again, the “suspect shooter” was taken out at the scene, guaranteeing his story will never see the light of day. *The suspect eluded Hi-tech magnetron security, even though a vast perimeter was set up for it, including the area well beyond and around the building where he was said to have done the deed. How could that be?
*Innocent bystanders felled at the scene, to add much to the confusion and distraction. I could go on…

DJT is a hero; a bonafide martyr now if he wasn’t one, before. I wonder…after all this, if/when he is elected, how he will continue to deal with gun control. During his first term he signed the “red flag anti gun laws”; cavalierly stating he would “take the guns (of gun owners targeted in witch hunts) first; and do the due process later”. I believe his followers would be on his side if he wished to crush 2A altogether, out of misplaced sympathy for him. There may be no excesses he cannot commit. They will say he gave his blood for them.

This is all madness!

We know St Anthony the great said “There will come a time when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad they will say to him: ‘you are mad, you are not like us’, and then they will attack him!”.. It seems those times are very near.

Dianne writes:

I knew you’d be a voice of reason in this.

Laura writes:

There’s no way a sniper gets through the Secret Service with a rifle at an event like this. And there’s no way his bodyguards would have taken him away with his head fully exposed for another possible shot. Security doesn’t work like that.

Kathy G. writes:

I’m not buying this for a second. This building the shooter was on was not seen as a vantage point and secured ahead of time?? The alleged shooter had a Blackrock connection?  All theater.

Posted on GAB:

“Blackrock commercial that was shot at the alleged shooters school in Bethel Park. You can clearly see the alleged perpetrator at 0:03 and 0:19.”


Steve writes:

Incredibly suspicious. The sheer logistics of this shooting are SIMPLY IMPOSSIBLE.

From Rangewolf at Occidental Dissent:

Those few of you that know anything about false flag shootings know that they always leave shoes at the scene, as a calling card. Sandy Hook, dozens of other well known false flag shootings, the shoes are there.

So, after the SS officer shot Trump through the ear with a bb, why was he yelling over and over, “let me get my shoes”?

They had removed his shoes, to leave as a calling card.

So they pierced his ear. In the Old Testament when some man acquired a lifetime slave, he pierced the ear of the slave. It was the mark of the slave, it identified the man as a slave.

This was not an attempt to kill him, but it was both a message and a warning.

Of course, perhaps no one here will reject the Zog narrative. Americans always believe the Zog narrative, with few exceptions. They “saw” it on TV or the net, and believe it.

But they lie to you, they always lie to you. By way of deception they wage war, and you believe the lies like Pavlov’s dogs. Or maybe you don’t. The choice is yours.

We cannot free our Southern nation until we free our minds of the Mockingbird Media, the Matrix of Deception.

The Daily Mail had a full, tabloid-style spread of pictures barely an hour or so after it occurred.

This has absolutely cemented Trump’s cult-status among tightie-whitie, mighty-righties. He’s Reagan 5.0, supercharged to the 99nth power. This is going to be the topic du jour among the mighty-righties until the Second Coming.

Laura writes:

Comment on GAB:

No one bothers to contrast any real world experience to what they are being shown. A simple slice to the ear would cause profuse bleeding and pain. If this were a real injury, blood would be flowing down Trump’s neck and his white shirt collar would be saturated. His hand would also remain on the wound as a natural instinct, in response to the pain and shock. What do you see when Trump puts his hand to his ear and then looks at it? Zero blood – both hands remain clean. If Trump’s injury was real, his palm and fingers would be covered with fresh blood. Just that alone annihilates this theatrical production. Retards that say, “oh just because he wasn’t shot doesn’t mean people didn’t die, they mix real with fake all the time”. No, they don’t, ever. You do not hire crisis actors and then have real deaths, you would cease to have crisis actors. These hoaxes are 100% fake, but the masses cannot accept that, they squirm to find something that “may be real” to avoid accepting they are deceived …


Steve writes:

Trump Shooting T-Shirts On Sale Within A Couple Hours After Attempted Assassination – Damn Fast!

Laura writes:

The people standing behind Trump when he was allegedly shot barely react.

Atrocious crisis actors:



Janice writes:

Here is a great take on the subject, written by the one and only Don Jeffries.

Laura writes:

These Secret Service agents appear to be stifling laughter. And who gets close enough to get a photo like this if there’s a gunman loose?


Steve writes:

My goodness, that was sure fast!


Laura writes:

From GAB:

“What this event reminds me of most was the gay staged affair when Trump got fake covid and was trundled into a chopper and whisked off to Walter Reed..there was no part of the covid psyop hoax that Trump wasn’t involved in. Then he left the hospital after a few days if you’ll recall and took a strange drive back to the White House and did some final wave without a mask when he returned and there was much hubbub surrounding the theater. This is what he does. He’s a con artist and masonic showman.”

“If you own, or have ever shot, an AR15 and think this little dweeb blasted a .556 bullet at trump from great distance just managing to give his ear a jostle then you are a thoroughgoing retard.”

Hurricane Betsy writes:

Trump’s s reaction to being hit by a bullet — a bullet to the head — is more like he experienced a mosquito bite.  Also, look at the row of people behind him.  They are just sitting there like nothing happened.

Steve writes from Virginia:

I’m watching a YouTube video about the Trump shooting, (what else); I’m watching and listening to former FBI sniper Chris Whitcomb, a middle-aged man who is dressed acceptably and who speaks quite well.  His arms, or at least all that I can see of them, are covered in tattoos.

What the hell happened to our country?


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