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Singing on a Plantation « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Singing on a Plantation

July 3, 2024

FROM the autobiographical account of Gus Feaster, a former slave from Union County, South Carolina, included in interviews with the Federal Slave Narratives Project:

At night when the meeting done busted till next day was when the darkies really did have they freedom of spirit. As the wagon be creeping along in the late hours of moonlight, the darkies would raise a tune. Then the air be filled with the sweetest tune as us rid on home and sung all the old hymns that us loved. It was always some big black nigger with a deep bass voice like a frog that’d start up the tune. Then the other mens jine in, followed up by the fine little voices of the gals and the cracked voices of the old womens and the grannies. When us reach near the big house us soften down to a deep hum that the missus like! Sometimes she hist up the window and tell us sing “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot” for her and the visiting guests. That all us want to hear. Us open up, and the niggers near the big house that hadn’t been to church would wake up and come out to the cabin door and jine in the refrain. From that we’d swing on into all the old spirituals that us love so well and that us knowed how to sing. Missus often ‘low that her darkies could sing with heaven’s inspiration.


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