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Soap on a Sinking Ship « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Soap on a Sinking Ship

July 25, 2024

ALAN writes:

One day I walked into a supermarket, intending to purchase only a few items. I looked around for one of those little baskets available for that purpose — baskets that had been there for years. How stupid of me. No more baskets are there. Why is that? We abandoned them because customers were stealing them.

On another day I walked into a different supermarket, intending to purchase only a few items, including a bar of soap. How stupid of me. No more soap in the soap aisle. Instead: Empty shelves with sign, Ask for soap at cash register.

So I stood there for a moment of incredulity, among dozens of people engaged in busyness but blissfully unaware of the idiocy of such decisions or willfully blind to it. And I recalled the simple pleasure of shopping for groceries in corner markets in the 1950s-’60s, moments that now loom as marks of high civilization.

Baskets abandoned and soap and detergent taken off shelves and hidden away because of theft by The Diversity. Idiocy. Two more proofs of a population of Whites gone imbecile.  And two more arguments in favor of complete separation of the races.


— Comments —

Terry Morris writes:

Hear, hear, Alan. Our ancestors knew what they were about, and, more importantly, why they were about it. Segregation isn’t “racism” (whatever that means to whomever is abusing the term), it’s just common sense; it’s the recipe for a happier, safer, more lawful world all around.

Laura writes:

You have committed a thought crime of spectacular dimensions.

See ya’ in the gulag!

(Wink, wink)

Alan writes:

We are in the Gulag now — partly because of our enemies, but also largely because of traitors and cowards in our own kind.  The challenge is to forge a path out of the Gulag, in spite of those three groups, the first of which includes the Occupation Government and the mass communications/brainwashing industries.

Laura writes:

“We are in the Gulag now — “

Drat, I forgot about that.



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