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The Cause of White Guilt-Tripping « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Cause of White Guilt-Tripping

July 10, 2024

“CONTRARY to the belief that race is only skin-deep and that all persons are essentially the same, we were now to believe that all whites are essentially wicked, the whole of American history is racist and irredeemably vicious, and all ‘BIPOCs’ are noble, superior even, and worthy of a kind of veneration. In other words, everything now is quite literally black and white. Blacks only ever fail because of whites, and whites only ever succeed because of blacks. I was horrified by the 1619 Project, the epitome of all this, and horrified that every single white liberal I’d ever known seemed utterly entranced by this nonsense.

“This was when I had a stark and sudden realization: after all the help that American society has given blacks in particular, including trillions in state and federal spending, endless affirmative action, and endless groveling praise and accommodation, blacks are in worse shape, collectively and often individually, than they have ever been. And so we seem to have reached an inflection point. Either we admit that they are simply incapable of participating in our Anglo-American civilization in the productive and creative ways that whites routinely do, or we blame whites for everything. The experiment has simply gone on for too long now, and has too obviously failed. We have to come up with some answer as to why it failed, and it’s either option A (blacks are not capable of living as we do), or option B (in spite of all evidence to the contrary, all whites are somehow secretly racists and subtly, “systemically” holding them back). Mainstream America has obviously opted for option B. And believing that one, first and fundamental lie, now it’s lies and deception all the way down.”

Source [emphasis added]


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