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Trump Fake Shooting, cont. « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Trump Fake Shooting, cont.

July 19, 2024

RESEARCHERS have pored over images of the JFK assassination for decades, but that won’t happen with the fake Trump assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania. This was too clownish and obvious. It was amateurish political theater and in-your-face mockery of a public that devours lies like sows at a trough of slops.

Here’s some footage of the crowd scene behind the podium. If emergency workers or police officers treated victims of a real shooting the way they treated the fake wounded in Butler, they would instantly lose their jobs. They would face possible lawsuits from family members. Their careers would be over. No EMT ever carries around the injured this way, as if they were nothing but sacks of sand:

Additional footage of this Hoax was released showing off the crisis actors that were supposedly shot in the crowd. There are so many things wrong with this scene – there is zero reality present. The people in the crowd smile, wave their hands around and are pretty comfortable hanging out waiting for direction after ‘bullets’ were just fired. Quite honestly, I’ve seen people react with far more excitement and urgency for the hotdog and beer vendors than I see in this scene. This crowd just supposedly saw someone get shot in the head and bleed out, yet they never move. The police finally come in to tell them to get down, way after the fake gun shots were fired. The emergency protocol is an absolute joke, picking up a person by their jeans, who has been shot in the head, and walking down the metal bleachers and concrete stairs, that’s way beyond fake, that’s just turbo mockery. A f**** you from the JWO. They poured blood all over that crisis actor’s face. Moulage and water bottles for all.

The black guy with the fake blood on his white shirt is Rico Elmore, he holds the office of Rochester Borough Council – Ward 2 (until December 31, 2025).”

This is deception and comedy rolled into one. It doesn’t merit years or even months of study. Trump can tell his followers the moon is made of blue cheese and they will believe it. Not only will they believe it, they will start wearing blue cheese hats. To call them sheep is an insult to sheep, who are more wary of wolves than they are.

What kind of society would produce hundreds of people to participate in this theater and lie to their fellow countrymen for money? A very sick society of low-class traitors.


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