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Why Conservatives Are Easily Deceived « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Why Conservatives Are Easily Deceived

July 19, 2024

SCRATCH an American “patriot” and just under the surface is often a big-government liberal with deep trust in federal agencies and the mystique of the American founding.

The “patriot” is easily deceived by mass shooting hoaxes and false flags such as 9/11 because he idolizes government and just can’t accept that so many people working in government have committed treason. He believes if patriots can just get the good guys in office, everything will be okay. He willfully refuses to entertain the idea of organized deception even though it has been practiced by intelligence agencies for many years.

He may idolize the white race and not want to own up to just how corrupt many middle class whites are. Besides some of his friends may be police officers, municipal officials or work for the FBI. They’re decent people so most people in the government must be decent too. Of course, most people who work for the government are decent, but it only takes a few to pull off political theater. And when the money’s good … Many people participating in these deceptions obviously rationalize their behavior and believe they are doing good. 

Also, excuse my bluntness, but many conservatives have let their minds rot and have reduced patriotism and Christianity to childishness, fairy tales and insanity. Here’s a good example:

Then yesterday happened. After that bullet grazed Trump’s ear and he went down, the Secret Service pulled him back up again and surrounded him — and in that moment, Trump’s blood-streaked face registered, for perhaps the first time anyone has ever seen, pain and confusion. He seemed, momentarily, old and vulnerable. Then it just hit me: that feeling that I am about to get choked up, that I might start blubbering. I didn’t, but it was a close call. Then came that feeling of indignation: How dare they do this. How dare they . . .

It was a moment of self-awareness for me. In spite of all the ups and downs, all the blunders and bluster, all the stupid tweets, all the lost opportunities of that first term, all the inarticulate blather, and, especially, all the “Me! Me! Me!” — it’s clear to me now that I care deeply about this man. I’m not ashamed to say it.

What can we say about someone who lets his emotions run riot in this way when he sees such an obvious clown show?

We can only turn away in disgust.

Live in your dream world, buddy. The propaganda artists have you by the throat and you fully deserve what’s next. Conservatism is just another name for mob rule.

Oh, and by the way, Tucker Carlson is not an idiot. He is something else, just as dangerous. Here he is on the hoax:

“The more I watched it, the more it struck me that everything was different after that moment.”

“The nation is different, the world is different. Donald Trump is different.”

“When he stood up after being shot in the face bloodied and put his hand up, I thought at that moment that was a transformation.”

“I think it was divine intervention…”

These people have no shame.

— Comments —

Kathy G. writes:

Four years ago, I laughed at people who called Trump the anti-Christ. Now I’m not so sure. Is this the deceiving of the elect? It is certainly an emotion-based idolatry. This was such an obvious hoax, it’s ridiculous. I thought the pattern of the blood was odd, but this certainly explains why Trump made no effort to wipe away blood on his lips, even with a shirtsleeve, which most people would have done.

Laura writes:

That’s a good point about wiping the face.

By the way, the photographer, Doug Mills, who took the photo of a supposed bullet whizzing past Trump was the same photographer who took the photo of George Bush, Jr. reading to children on 9/11 (a bullet traveling at high speed can’t be captured by a camera), He also shot a famous photo of Obama crying after Sandy Hook.

Veronica writes:

I think I’ll stick with the conservatives. If you look at American history leftists are much more likely to perpetrate violence.

Laura writes:

I wasn’t suggesting leftists are better. : -)

But as for violence, if so many conservatives (myself included) hadn’t been gullible enough to believe the official account of 9/11, maybe hundreds of thousands of lives would have been saved.

Veronica writes:

Well, we have just watched Democrats perpetrate the biggest fraud on the voting public in our recent history, as well as disenfranchise their own voters. I’m sticking with conservatives.

Laura writes:

I wasn’t suggesting you become a Democrat. I don’t think of that as a possibility.

Veronica writes:

That’s good to know.

Laura writes:

Besides, whether you vote Democrat or Republican, you have no say in who will be president. That’s decided at the top.




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