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On Spiritual Blindness « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

On Spiritual Blindness

August 21, 2024

The Mocking of Christ, follower of Bosch; c. 1510

“THE current state of the world is due to the overall departure and lack of Grace which is due to the loss of the Sacraments of the One True Church. History does repeat itself. Many people do not want to face this most important fact. Constant revolutions and rebellions demoralized and destroyed the Jewish faith of the Old Testament to the point that the Jews did not recognize their very own long-awaited Messias when he did come to save them. Instead of rejoicing and following Him, they put Him to death. This spiritual blindness was self-induced by their unfaithfulness to the law. The seeds of blindness were planted and inculcated by their very own unfaithful spiritual leaders, their kings, high priests, scribes, Pharisees and false prophets and teachers. Imagine that we were among the Jews of that time. We would have respected the decisions and the leadership of the High Priest, Annas, and his son, the Chief Pharisee, Caiphas. We would have respected and followed the decisions of the Sanhedrin. Where would we have stood when they decided to press on to have the Messias crucified? They did it by telling the people that Christ was not the Messias, but a blasphemer, which, of course was the complete opposite of the truth. They lied. Most agreed and accepted their direction with complete, unquestioning trust. After all, they were the great, respected leaders of the one true religion of that time. Why question them, even if the scriptures disagreed with their actions? After all, we would have accepted their word, because they were the experts in charge. The scriptures foretold all of the events of the day, even to the very city in which the Messias was to be born. Political advantage and the lust for power led the great religious leaders of that time, as well as their followers, to pervert the scriptures and to deny the prophecies.


“Any time there have been attacks on the Church of the Old Testament or that of the New Testament, these rebellions and revolutions have been instigated from within by its very own leaders. Whenever this did occur, no one was willing to admit it, to realize it or to recognize it, because they themselves had become infected with the dreadful disease of spiritual blindness which prevented them from seeing what had happened and what would further happen from that point. They resisted any one who stood up to remind them of the Truth and point out their error. They even went as far as to murder the prophets God sent to them to remind them of their errors and to call them back to the Truth of the unchanging Law of God.”

Dolores Rose Morris



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