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Russian Roulette of the Soul « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Russian Roulette of the Soul

August 22, 2024

The Mocking of Christ, Matthias Grünewald; 1505

MORE wisdom from the late Dolores Rose Morris:

Any time there have been attacks on the Church of the Old Testament or that of the New Testament, these rebellions and revolutions have been instigated from within by its very own leaders. Whenever this did occur, no one was willing to admit it, to realize it or to recognize it, because they themselves had become infected with the dreadful disease of spiritual blindness which prevented them from seeing what had happened and what would further happen from that point. They resisted any one who stood up to remind them of the Truth and point out their error. They even went as far as to murder the prophets God sent to them to remind them of their errors and to call them back to the Truth of the unchanging Law of God. This very same unfortunate condition exists today. The very leaders who are entrusted to guard the deposit of Faith and to lead the Faithful to Heaven, have rebelled, becoming the enemy itself, and they are paving the path to Hell for their followers. The enemies are, as they have always been, priests and bishops of the Church. They, as has been the repeated case in history, create the heresies and lead the Faithful away from the Church. No heresy has ever been started by a lay person. The Faithful are seduced into a stupor or misguided false trust in their spiritual leaders and seem to be willing to follow them, even to Hell. The Faithful fall into these heresies without objection, become infected with the disease of spiritual blindness and immediately become the unfaithful. At first, a few fell to the heresies, then more and more, and today, most have fallen. The great difficulty now is that spiritual blindness is so deeply imbedded, that very few will ever see their error, or be willing to admit it. Therefore, many will perish and very few will be saved, just as Christ Himself has foretold. The current conditions are so depraved, that the majority of people in the world place their complete trust in the world alone and in its allurements. People are so removed from the Grace of the True Church of God that any one who attempts to explain the situation to them for their own benefit is looked upon with scorn and rejection. But of course, this was the experience of Christ Himself during His first coming. Conditions are now ripe, as He Himself had foretold they would be, for His second coming. We will stand before the Tribunal of Christ and answer if we have not warned against this apostasy. Here is the warning: “Hear instruction and be wise, and refuse it not.” (The book of Proverbs, chapter 8, verse 33) No “sacred cows” will be spared. The honor of the Church of Christ is at stake. Our eternal salvation is at stake. Follow the world and we lose our immortal souls in Hell forever. Follow the Law of God and His Church and we shall win the crown of eternal salvation. The time is now at hand. It matters not whether we are protestant, Jew, Muslim, pagan, or if we think we are a “Catholic” of the New Ordo sect (Novus Ordo) under “John Paul II” [or Francis], Christ will ask us all the same question on the Day of Judgment: “Why were you not a member of My Church?” We will not be able then to make the excuses that we make now. We will not be successful in saying, “My mother, my father, my wife, my husband told me, my priest told me, my minister told me, my Rabbi told me, or anyone told me that this was right.” Only Truth will be right and accepted as Truth; no distortions, no excuses, only the One True Church or the desire to be honestly part of it will earn us our reward. It makes no sense whatever to take any chances by playing Russian Roulette with our souls. There is only one right way, and that is the only way that God has ordained for us to reach Heaven. God is all-merciful while we are yet on this earth, giving us every opportunity to find that right way. When we reach the final judgment, only Justice will prevail. We will not be permitted to say then, “Oh, well, I did my best. I tried, but did not really understand, God will now understand. [emphasis added]




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