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The War Against ‘Boomers’ Is Communist « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The War Against ‘Boomers’ Is Communist

August 22, 2024

IT’S SAD more young people can’t see that the popularizing of hostility against “boomers” — i.e., their parents’ generation — is a classic, Marxist, divide-and-conquer tactic that has been used before in history and is being deliberately promoted by powerful agents of disorder who want total control over all generations.

It’s similar to the tactics of feminism, creating division between men and women for the sake of those at the top. Distract people from the real source of their pain. Whenever I go to our local mall, I see women and men in their 80’s working as sales clerks. ‘Ok, boomer! You’re the oppressor!”

The promotion of intergenerational warfare is a longstanding strategy of subversion that was successful in the Soviet Union and Communist China.

The term “boomers” has become a derisive slur against the old, exaggerating their failings to the point of obsession and expressing contempt for their sacrifices. It’s not that “boomers” don’t deserve criticism, it’s that the artificial intensification of it reeks of psychological warfare. A culture as materialistic as ours, and as enslaved by a system of debt-based usury that hurts young and old alike, is also naturally going to have little room or time for the old. So demonizing them fits. “Ok, boomer!”



— Comments —

Kathy G. writes:

Thanks for posting this.

This issue is such an obvious psyop that I can’t believe people buy into it. It doesn’t help that the “Boomer” generation was also the “Me” generation, and divorce, sexual “liberation”, etc., all happened during our years. There is no sympathy for people who were so quick to buy into it all. But hindsight is always 20/20. We were naive, trusted “experts” and “government”, the “educators”. Most of us worked, raised kids, tried to do what was right. Now we understand the psyops levelled against us, the nature of “school”, the inversion of everything that seemed to occur on our “watch”, but had been in the works for decades. I myself have some selfish elders in my family, people who put family last and went on expensive trips, buying houses, cars every 2 yrs, etc., and bragging about it. But they were the silent generation, not Boomers. And as you say, there are many more older Boomers working in their old age at jobs teenagers used to do. I saw a lady working the customer service counter in Walmart with an oxygen concentrator! This while foreign invaders are getting free houses and stipends. I believe a lot of these “bootstrap” boomer bigmouths on social media are commie trolls pushing generational divide. And doing it now that they have destroyed the family structure is going to be so much easier.

Laura writes:

Totally agree.


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