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Desegregation Is Child Abuse « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Desegregation Is Child Abuse

September 28, 2024

ANOTHER white child is beaten up in a government school, this time in Mississippi. Will this boy ever be the same again?

Parents who live in all-white or mostly white neighborhoods generally don’t care about this kind of thing (that usually occurs in poorer areas.) When it comes to the victims of black cruelty, they have hearts of stone. The plight of white children who face aggression on a routine basis never moves them. One is tempted to believe they want young white children to be mauled to assuage their own un-Christian racial guilt.

Ironically, many blacks actually want whites to lead and defend their own societies — and to protect blacks from themselves.


— Comments —

Robert Manning writes:

I see a second white kid engrossed in his videoing and other white kids laughing as excitedly as black kids on this middle school bus.

I see white and black kids sitting sullen and looking away possibly bewildered while a much bigger black kid beats down the smaller white kid. Another larger black kid drags him from the blows.

Isn’t this the equality sought?

Or, is it more Stockholm syndrome, or some such?

What prompted this brutal beat down?

What did this boy do to seemingly elicit such an egalitarian beat down?

Laura writes:

Good points. I guess the spectators had some cruelty issues too, except for the one — and he was black — who saved the boy.

In general, black children are so much stronger and quicker to strike out. It puts whites at a disadvantage.

Blacks need schools with lots of external discipline. They thrive in that kind of environment, but it’s not good for whites, who need discipline too but not at the same level.

Boys need more discipline than girls and that’s one reason why single-sex schools are also better.

Kathy G. writes;

These stories break my heart, I can’t help but suspect that that white boy was guilty of being too white. Pale, blond. I have seen so many videos where blacks will single out the blonds for this kind of abuse. Maybe homeschool families could consider taking some of these kids during the day to get them out of these zoos. You might as well put your child in the lion cage. I believe the other kids, white kids laughing/looking on is simply government skool training. They have learned herd behavior. Survival of the fittest. They don’t want to get beat up, so they either join in or keep a low profile. They will grow up to be herd animals, listening to “polls”, turning on the TV for “the news”, and hating who the TV tells them to hate. We are a country full of kids like that, but now grown up. For the white kids thrown in with blacks, it truly is a matter of survival.

Laura writes:

You are unusual among white women for caring.

Most white women don’t care and will actively punish anyone who points these things out.

Mr. Manning writes:

It’s said that there is a “freeze response” in the brief moment prior to a decision to either “fight or flight”. Some, if not most, of these 12/13 year old kids could and would not fight, and none had the choice to flee. They were stuck in a “freeze response”. I’m no expert, but that has to be more damaging to a child’s mental prowess than the risk/reward of a fight or the relief of successfully fleeing the danger.

That bus was, as Kathy G. said, a cage… if not a torture chamber. That kind of social/culture lesson may never be forgotten or unlearned, if that’s even possible. What a way to start your day.

I was always larger and more athletic in school, and confident. I more than once stood up when someone was being bullied. That was enough to back the bully down. There is clearly an escalation in size, strength and attitude today. I knew of no one brandishing a weapon all the way through high school. But, today?

What might we learn about that blond-haired white boy some day? A lesson that he (or others) learned on that morning bus ride to their public school in Mississippi? Maybe something poorly written in a discovered manifesto?


What’s next for that white boy? What’s next for the black boy who pounded on him without mercy, for God knows why? A hate crime? Will they ride that bus together from now on, every day? Will they sit in the same classrooms, play and wrestle against each other in gym class?

These snap shots/30-second videos fade away for us.

I’m dragging this out, but someone needs to assure that that white boy is restored, if he is not, to a sound emotional/psychological state of mind.

I hate that I wish that I had been on that bus.

Laura writes:

I wish you had been on that bus too.

I hope that boy has a very understanding family. He will need a great deal of care to heal from this.

And I also hope they sue that school district for everything it’s worth.

Tony S. writes:

Thank you for reminding us of the dangers of diversity, especially for those not financially able to flee. The video is heart rending.

However, you are also so on point with the observation that Kathy is a rarity in showing sincere concern for white children. The video would incite anger in any male I know. But among women it would get a mild response, maybe “that’s a shame”, or, more likely, lead to a series of excuses for the aggressive behavior, in some cases even suggesting that the boy being beaten must have done something to warrant the attack.

For my whole life, I have been told how dangerous men’s desire for sexual fulfillment is but I have yet to see or hear anyone speak of the societal destructiveness of women’s need to virtue signal. Once the powers that be indoctrinate women in what it takes to be a good person, women then will stop at nothing to promote that made up “virtue” regardless of what or whom must be sacrificed.

Laura writes:

So true.

Thanks for saying that.

This problem is one of the effects of women’s political enfranchisement. Women should leave this issue up to men because they aren’t suited to dealing with national, racial and tribal issues. There’s a reason why they are not suited to it, aside from the fact that they don’t possess the capacity to fight in battle on the same level.

Men and women have different historical experiences and they are different beings.

Many times in history women have had to identify with their conquerors. They were forced to have children by them and would naturally still have maternal love for their children. Women are the weaker sex and they were often dragged off.

As a result of this ever-present past and ever-present threat, women tend to more readily identify with whomever holds power.

In the case of their so readily identifying with non-whites and Jews, there is no question that these groups are the most privileged and powerful in our society. Women seem to be identifying with the underdogs because the victimhood of both at the hands of Christian civilization is relentlessly promoted, but in fact they are identifying with the mighty and powerful. (In the case of non-whites, even though they are in many cases poor, they still hold power by virtue of their moral status, conferred upon them by endless propaganda. By saying this, I am not saying that either of those groups are unworthy of our charity, love and consideration. I am not suggesting they be mistreated. I am saying that they are privileged and they wield that power to advance their own collective interests. They also have been destructive of civilization and created untold victims.)

The little boy on the bus represents the true underdogs of our world.

Kathy G. writes:

I once knew a woman, a “bleeding heart” lib, who had tender feelings for all the oppressed minorities, and usual liberal causes. I was pretty liberal myself at the time. An incident was in the news where a child had been abused, the usual agencies/school had completely neglected her situation, and it was a big news story. I was flabbergasted when this woman took the side of the government “safety nets” and actually excused them, saying that if the child’s own family didn’t care, blah, blah. It made no sense.

As I got older, and my kids were in school, I noticed the cutthroat pettiness of other mothers. The worst ones were the “PTA” moms, “room mothers” who would schmooze the teachers and principal to advance their own kids, often at the expense of other kids. I was so shocked. Attend any school event that serves food and you will see the same sweaty moms working in the kitchen, cleaning up, serving, etc., and the other ones, the schmoozers, doing as little as possible, and hanging around the teachers and principal. And this in a small rural town.

A woman I considered a close friend maneuvered her daughter into the other class from my daughters, although I thought at the time it was just happenstance. Later, when we had issues with the teacher being cruel to our daughter, I spoke about it with this friend. Her response: “Oh, yes! Mrs._____ is AWFUL! I made sure to get Susie out of that class!”. I was speechless. Then I understood. My daughter was competition for hers. She didn’t give me a heads up because she wanted my daughter in the awful teacher’s class. She didn’t seem to understand what she was telling me.

I have seen similar, very parochial, emotional conniving at work. Women will establish cliques, and pick on outsiders, just for kicks. They will watch what you do, criticize and denigrate, then turn around and do the same thing you are doing, only to one up you. They are not capable of looking at the big picture, beyond their own interests, at what is best for everyone. They are envious and materialist. As a manager, I discovered that there were a certain percentage of women who actually did not like it when I was fair to everyone, held everyone to the same rules. They wanted to schmooze me and get favored treatment. They resented my lack of receptivity to their grooming. That was how they operated in the world.

A woman who is not political like this is uncommon in my experience. I have only known a few. And education seems to make it worse.

I think you are right. These behaviors are ingrained survival instincts. And they are easily manipulated and exploited.

I think also that the white male is so superior, so indestructible that it is simply assumed he can and will overcome any hardship, oppression, or discrimination and still come out ahead, in comparison to other cultures and races. What is hamstringing him is the loss of his woman, her lack of respect, her taking him and his culture for granted. Deep down, they may blather about wanting a “sensitive” man who “shares his feeeelinnngs”, but what they really want is masculinity, to be cared for and safety.

Laura writes:

What is hamstringing him is the loss of his woman, her lack of respect, her taking him and his culture for granted.


So many white women look down on their men. The most mild statements in support of their own culture’s interests can mean the termination of a relationship or a long chill. They care more about “equality” and political fantasies than they do about the men in their lives. Marriages even broke up because the husbands were voting for Trump.

Some women have a finely-tuned instinct for power. And white men collectively don’t fit into that category so they are further beaten down by the people who should be supporting them the most.

Women’s liberation is a disaster.





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