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Global Tyranny as a Righteous Cause « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Global Tyranny as a Righteous Cause

September 9, 2024

THE dispersion of the Jews has rendered them a cosmopolitan people. They are the only cosmopolitan people, and in this capacity must act, and are acting, as a solvent of national and racial differences.

“The great Ideal of Judaism is not that Jews shall be allowed to flock together one day in some hole-and-corner fashion, for, if not tribal, at any rate separatist objects; but that the whole world shall be imbued with Jewish teachings.

“That in a Universal Brotherhood of Nations, a great Judaism, in fact, all the separate races and religions shall disappear. The new Constitution of the Jewish Board of Deputies marks an epoch in the history of that important institution.

“The real importance of the new Constitution is that it provides a machinery for enabling the Jews of England to work together when the occasion requires, that in short it organizes the Jews of the whole Empire, and renders their aggregate force available in cases of emergency.” [bold added]

Jewish World, February 9 and 16, 1883


— Comments —

Kathy G. writes:

I think we saw the gathering of their aggregate force applied completely unopposed in the Bolshevik takeover of Russia and slaughter of the white Christian population there, and in Eastern Europe after the Jew-managed “Allies” won. Sickening. And they are now reveling in their cunning and deceptive takeover of every nation, religion, institution, openly declaring the intent to obliterate all racial and ethnic differences and make everyone disciples of the Synagogue of Satan. Can anyone doubt we are in end times? These people and their demonic masters rule the material world, but there is so much more. THAT is the trick. Making people think there is nothing else, no God, no Heaven, no salvation, no soul.


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