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The Case Against Winston Churchill « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Case Against Winston Churchill

September 6, 2024


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Kathy G. writes:

As I have learned about WW2, what seems so apparent to me, but is danced around by people like this libertarian gentleman, Darrel Cooper in his Tucker interview, and so many other “revisionists” is that WW2, and probably WW1, and possibly the US “Civil War”, were religious wars, jewish jihads against Christians and Christian civilization in retaliation for failure to submit to jewish domination/enslavement. They were cullings.

Churchill’s mother, Jenny Jerome was an American jew, FDR (and Lindemann) is rumored to have been jewish (Rosenfeld), was certainly communist, possibly a freemason. It explains the alliance with Stalin (probably jewish, married to a jew), and the handing over of Eastern Europe to him. Churchill reveals his hatred of the British lower classes when he longed for their bombing by the Germans. It was all about deaths, maximizing German and British, even Eastern European Christian deaths. The bombing of supply lines to the German concentration camps caused more death, and the horrific treatment of Germans, even ethnic Germans living in other countries, by the victorious Allies, particularly the Red Army, resulted in millions of Germans attacked, starved, and dead AFTER the war.

Once Stalin had control of Eastern Europe, the horrors for those countries escalated, and FDR and Churchill knew all about it. American “media” ignored it and promoted Stalin.

Dresden was noted as a Christian center, and had actively removed jews from power in reaction the the Weimar degeneracy, and as the garrison there was not targeted, but the civilian population was, the message is pretty clear.

Treating these wars as political wars, heroic wars against fascism, simply disguised what was really going on. Some of Hitler’s decisions are suspect, and it’s not clear if he was controlled opposition in the operation to kill white Christian people.
I suspect the recent increase in knowledge about the events of the wars is to outrage the world against Britain and US whites, and demand submission to UN control for atrocities.



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