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The Universal Republic « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Universal Republic

September 26, 2024

THERE has been maturing in the wishes and expectations of all the seditious members of society the advent of a certain universal republic which should be founded on the absolute equality of men and on community of goods, and in which there should no longer be national distinction, nor should any recognition be given to the authority of the father over his sons, nor of public power over the citizens, nor of God over men united in civil commonwealth. All of which things, should they become actual, would cause tremendous social convulsion, such as is now being experienced and felt…”

— Pope Benedict XV, Moto Proprio, Bonum et Sane, 1920

For the latest news on the Universal Republic, see “The Pact for the Future,” adopted by the United Nations last week. Notice that in this document the word “turbocharge” is used four times. In other words, the plan for the world republic known as Agenda 2030 is going to be accelerated dramatically from now on.

To sum up: Equality and peace will reign. Germs will be smashed. Poverty will be eliminated, along with the middle class. The oceans, the sun and the winds will obey the U.N. And every woman will be a man.


— Comments —

Hurricane Betsy writes:

Well, I guess it’s official now – One World Government is here.  Bolshevik Coup V 2.0.  Only worse.

And all this time I thought the purpose of the UN was to keep or promote peace yet all they do is ignore or ramp up wars night and day.

Laura writes:

“War is peace. Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is strength.”

Orwell was right.

And now it’s “turbocharged” — as if it’s an unstoppable machine.

Kathy G. writes:

My goodness! To start with, the “Heads of State and Government” have zero right to assign ANY speck of their power to the “UN”. The UN has ZERO credibility after the CovidCon, not that they had much before that, being the Rockefellerian creature it always was. The scandals involving UN “Peacekeepers” raping and trafficking minors they have control over abound, so I have little optimism of the UN protecting ANY child from exploitation, but they’ll probably fix that little problem with their upcoming “Convention on Child Rights”, where it will be determined that children have the RIGHT to be sexually exploited by adults…for their own development and sexual sustainability, of course.

I would like to see some terms defined, like “humans”, “peoples of the world”, etc., because they tell us over and over that whites need eradicated.

My favorite commie buzzwords: sustainability, peace, female empowerment/inclusion/involvement, eradication of (poverty, inequality), stakeholders.

The Lord taught us that the poor would always be with us, the “UN” says, no, they will end it. And, being all-knowing and all-wise, they will end “misinformation”. Now, that is amazing! The liars are going to end lying!

This reads like a bureaucratic religious manifesto because it is, for a communist Godless heaven, in a world controlled by communists. And communists glory in lying, murder, and theft, on the industrial scale, due to the pesky “resistors” to their religion. That has been proven beyond all doubt.

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