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What Celebrities Do « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

What Celebrities Do

September 20, 2024

Billie Ellish — a heavily-funded package of ugliness, confusion, unashamed lust,  sexual deviance, thuggishness and bad music with moments of classic beauty, genuine talent, heaps of sentimentality and unswerving loyalty to the Party.

PROMOTE sexual deviance and lust as if they were true love.

Alternate deliberate ugliness, vulgarity and extreme immodesty with expensive, classic beauty.

Disguise a ruthless careerism that leaves a train of victims as a heroic, artistic struggle. Confess artistic angst despite being hand-picked, packaged and bankrolled to fame.

Encourage confusion with their multiple personalities.

Convey nihilism with sentimentality. (A spoonful of sugar …)

Portray lockstep conformity as righteous rebellion.

Devote genuine talent to mesmerizingly bad music that is acid to the mind and soul over time.

Confess inner loneliness, which may or may not be real but is an essential feature of the package, offering false friendship to the truly lonely.

Include childhood trauma in their personal narratives. This trauma may be real or not, but is used in a self-aggrandizing way to broadcast victimhood, an indispensable element of their politics of resentment and manipulation of the masses.

Adopt the virtue-signaling political agenda of a super-powerful minority.

Present totalitarian world governance as compassionate.

Provide cover for financial oligarchs with socialist slogans and fierce loyalty to the Party.

Package cruelty, indifference and selfishness as kindness.

Appreciate animals more than children.

Glorify violence.

Promote the occult.

Encourage aggression and fake toughness in women. (Make women mean.)

Create moments of blind pleasure and lifetimes of chaos and alienation.

Earn millions.



— Comments —

Dianne writes:

This was an unbelievably great description of that world. I wish it could be posted everywhere, online and physically.

Laura writes:


Janice writes:

Bravo! I have yet to see a better description of the state of culture today. This little piece is worth sharing widely.

The Celebrity Makers are the sick ‘soul’ of Entertainment in the same way that the Kingmakers are the sick ‘soul’ of Politics.

What a World!

Laura writes:

Thanks. I appreciate it. I made a few word changes.

Kathy G. writes:

This “artist’s” most important characteristic is his androgenous-ness. Billie Eililsh is almost certainly male, and being promoted to advance androgyny among young people, androgyny/hermaphroditism being a defining characteristic of the Baphomet. Sounds far-fetched, but people better catch up, because that is where we are. It truly is a spiritual war, even though most people have been stripped of belief in the supernatural, even as the supernatural destroys them, and God’s Creation. Transgenderism has been practiced for decades in Hollywood, but most people (including myself) have been oblivious to the level of this deception. It has a purpose, which is slowly assuming it’s shape in these latter days. Once you pay attention, you see them…and they are everywhere in the “entertainment” industry.

Kidist Paulos Asrat writes:

Here are some thoughts on “What Contemporary Artists Do,” which is similar to celebrities:

[C]ontemporary design and art that is devoid of recognizable forms is not just from talentless designers, it is also the purpose, and intentional. The program is long and elaborate, and its endgame is to change the world by injecting these incongruities, these obtuse elements, into our homes. The scheme is to purge the West, and its foundations, and to bring on a Brave New Word by destroying fabric filled with birds and trees and flowers and roaring lions, and inoculating it with strange shapes and stranger creatures. The end game, the very end game, is to mastermind a world that replaces God with Satan. The conduits are the form-bereft designers, artists, and craftsmen, who lure these contortions into their works, having rejected their own traditions, their own cultures, their own Western world.

God’s perfection is no longer their goal.

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