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How I Will Win This Election « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

How I Will Win This Election

October 22, 2024

Navigating between two evils

I HAVE no campaign staff or advertising budget. You won’t see my name on lawn signs or my annoying face in your mailbox. I have no big donors — or even small donors. I am bought and paid for by no one.

I have made you no promises and given you no plans. I haven’t offered you cheap prescription drugs like a petty salesman or flashed false smiles from any screen or stage. I’m a woman who doesn’t even believe in women presidents — that’s how bad my sales pitch is.

Still I am confident, despite these obvious handicaps, that this complete and utter nobody will win the presidential election on November 5th. I will wake up the next morning with the heady feeling of victory and new energy to get to work.

What will I gain? What will I win? My soul, that’s what I will win — and there’s nothing better than that. Yes, victory will be mine!

By voting for neither of these selected-and-bought candidates who have zero accountability and are both moral degenerates in a system that is now fundamentally unlawful and evil, I will survive this election season with my integrity intact. Victory will be mine in a world of disappointed losers who have taken the bait and bought into the scam. It is only a matter of time before they realize all they have lost.

This country’s biggest problems are moral. Every person who refuses to sell his soul to the scam of mass democracy is a stone in the foundation of a better building. I want to be one of those stones. I want our descendants to live in that building, imperfect though it will be.

I haven’t traveled through the stormy waters of Scylla and Charybdis this election season, tempted by the false songs of the “lesser of two evils.”

Donald Trump broke his previous campaign promises. He has vowed to keep our borders open to mass, “legal” immigration when there is no need for it and no popular support for it. He violated our so-called constitutional rights during his first term by enforcing the Covid operation, and is responsible for murderous medical harm to many thousands, as well as the ruin of countless businesses. He boldly faked at least one assassination attempt and has shown his complete facility in the art of lying. He is an actor first and foremost. To quote the star of The Apprentice, You’re fired! Where is the accountability? There is none. Mr. French Fry can promise anything and it doesn’t matter. Voters will forgive him because they are incapable of placing their worldly hopes anywhere else. They have no imagination for a better way. They have the mentality of slaves.

Just two weeks ago, Trump paid his respects at the tomb of Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, a man who was very open in his lifetime about his hatred of non-Jews. Schneerson was a first-class bully dressed up as a religious figure. Trump supports his legacy and the more than $3 billion we send to the genocidal state of Israel every year and will be more than happy to send our mercenary troops into another conflict against the enemies of international Jewry. Our military sadly does not represent the will of the American people anymore.

As for Kamala — well, she’s not even on my radar. She’s for people, blind and naive they may be, for whom politics are a religion and for whom every solution to every problem is more government. Their dreams always end up empowering the few and bankrupting the many. Utopianism and its search for perfection bring chaos and suffering.

I have not been tempted by those who say that as a Catholic I am morally obligated to give my assent to an evil system. Those theologians who argued that we must vote even if we are dissatisfied with the options were not even remotely speaking about the sort of election system in which we now live, based as it is on the arts of mass manipulation and candidates selected by the biggest donors, not the people.

Call it what you like, but this is not representative democracy.

For support, I quote the great abbot Dom Prosper Guéranger from his essay on the Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost, which was observed this week. He discusses Jesus’s words, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s; and to God the things that are God’s.”

So long as those rulers comply with the compact, or do not turn to the ruin of their people the power they received for its well-being, so long their right to the obedience of their subjects is the right of God Himself, whether they exercise their authority in exacting the subsidies needed for government; or in passing laws, which, for the general good of the people, restrain the liberty otherwise theirs by natural right; or again by bidding their soldiers defend their country at the risk of life.


When God is not with Him who governs, the power he exercises is nothing better than brute force. The sovereign, or the parliament, that pretends to govern a country in opposition to the laws of God, has no right to aught but revolt and contempt from every upright man; to give the sacred name of law to tyrannical enactments of that kind is a profanation unworthy, not only of a Christian, but of every man who is not a slave. [bold added]

We are slaves to a facade of democracy. As a patriot, I mustn’t assent. By unjust wars, predatory taxation, the violation of our borders, the shredding of constitutional law, the incessant degrading of the descendants of those who built this country, the continual plundering of the economy by centralized banking and the ongoing war against the family, our government has violated God’s laws. Our government is based now on thievery and the corruption of the people. It’s not what the Founders had in mind when they spoke of liberty.

It is my duty to resist non-violently. Every person who resists is a stone in the foundation of a new structure. Every person who resists has energy to give to the laying of the mental and spiritual groundwork for what’s next. Our energies are finite. I will not be wasting mine on election day.

I don’t resent those who will vote. To resent them would be to give my emotions to this election, and I’m not gong to stoop to that. Besides, I understand the temptation.

I am just saddened that they too won’t wake up on November 6th in victory and peace — as I know I will. My prayers for my country will be all the more meaningful. I know with God anything is possible — even a better way for America.

Our first duty now is to have the courage and patriotism to imagine, to yearn for and to pray for something better than this.



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