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Kamala vs. Columbus « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Kamala vs. Columbus

October 15, 2024

KAMALA Harris delivered the above statement yesterday in “honor” of “Indigenous People’s Day.” Of course, we’ve long known what it would mean when the name of this day was changed from Columbus Day and given this mouthful of a name. Communists love to change holidays and to eradicate the roots of the people they conquer — while maintaining their own. Still Kamala’s openly Marxist comments and undisguised contempt (notice her facial expressions) for America’s origins — on a day once devoted to patriotism — are shocking even for her. These are the words of a dangerous revolutionary. Furthermore, they are false, or at the very least highly slanted.

Columbus Day used to be a day to love America. Now it’s a day to hate it. Again, look at the anger. She has all but said, “Get Whitey.”

“We must not shy away” from the truth, Harris says.

The truth is, no people have been more interested in the crimes of their ancestors than European-Americans. No people have written and read more books or watched more movies about the dark deeds of their forebears or explored more honestly their history. They do not “shy away” from admitting wrongs.

The truth is, most white Americans have heard and indulged a great deal about the sins of their collective past. Now, they need to “not shy away” from what their forefathers did right in civilizing the often-violent native peoples, who were engaged in continual warfare with each other.

Jeff Fyn-Paul in his book Not Stolen: The Truth About European Colonialism in the New World (Bombardier Books, 2023) is one author who does a fairly good job of debunking one myth of Columbus and genocidal Europeans:

[W]hile it is true that thousands of people died as a result of Spanish maladministration and forced labor (perhaps up to twenty-five thousand over the course of fifty years), the number of Indigenous people killed in military engagements or wanton violence probably numbered about two or three thousand. The total number who were enslaved and sent back to Spain likewise appears to have been in the hundreds. Columbus himself was responsible for a tiny fraction of those killed through direct violence and mistreatment; as governor, he proved as likely to kill a European “rebel” as an Indigenous one. The great majority of those who died—easily over 90 percent—were victims of disease rather than cruelty.

Genetic tests have revealed surprisingly large proportions of Taino Indian DNA among modern Caribbean islanders, a finding that has shocked (and disheartened) advocates of Spanish genocide. Genetic evidence provides irrefutable proof that many more Indians survived and intermarried than is popularly believed. According to a report published in Indian Country Today, up to 61 percent of all Puerto Ricans have been found to have Taino Indian blood. This is a huge proportion, compared with only a couple of percent of Indian blood found in the US population at large. It suggests that Puerto Ricans have similar levels of Indigenous blood compared to other highly mixed peoples such as Mexicans, Guatemalans, and Bolivians; more will be said on this in the next chapter.

Moreover, research suggests that Taino genes were not at all inbred, confirming that Taino peoples mixed widely with people all around the Caribbean. Flight, intermarriage, and disease therefore are likely to account for over 90 percent of the missing Indians, and all of this points to the fact that charges of mass murder have been greatly exaggerated. The reason why the real numbers of killed and enslaved were so low is that the Spanish government viewed the inhabitants of Hispaniola and other Caribbean islands as valuable subjects of the crown.

Kamala in her statement was making bold her intentions to overthrow what is left of the white ruling class, the descendants of the people who brought vicious tribal warfare on this continent to an end. The “indigenous people” will be much worse off when this revolution is over.

A war is being waged against whites, but the people who will be hurt by it will in the vast majority not be white.

The Bolsheviks had no real interest in elevating the working man. They wanted power for themselves. Kamala is the face of those same international thugs who are seizing power not for the “indigenous peoples” but solely for themselves.


Note: Please don’t mistake this post for an endorsement of Donald Trump. I’m not voting for either of these crooks. They both belong in jail, not the White House.


— Comments —

Kathy G. writes:

Kamala Harris is the anchor baby of an imported Marxist professor. She is a carpetbagger, installed where she is because she is NOT American, is communist, and has a history as a party girl making her eminently controllable via blackmail. There is also some kind of relationship with the “Obamas” (also communists, and Soetero also not American, and with Jussie Smollett).
We have been overthrown, and vacuous clowns installed to rule us and humiliate Americans. That Kamala would opine on this issue is rich considering her family owned a Caribbean plantation and slaves.

Thanks for the update, I don’t watch this stuff and rely on those with stronger stomachs.

Laura writes:

Kamala just shows up and reads the teleprompter. I’m sure she doesn’t write a single word she says.

I don’t watch this stuff either!



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