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The Case Against Hitler « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Case Against Hitler

October 15, 2024

BY supporting NAZI-ism and Hitler worship as the solution to the malaise of Masonic-Bolshevikism [sic], these greenspammers undermine the foundations of our Christian and Anglo society. They do so by replacing: the free-market with socialism, European Christian society with racial purity and occultism, and law and order with might makes right and violence, along with the idolization of a morally evil, highly stigmatized man. ….

“World War Two is a tragic event in history and it is this author’s opinion that both World Wars were organized by Satan and his minion to destroy Christianity, yet we should be glad that Hitler did not win for his victory would have achieved our great enemy’s goal far more than his defeat did which allowed for half of Europe to exist as a free society for some time.”

The case against Hitler, and why Britain was right to stay in the war


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