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Weather Warfare and Helene « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Weather Warfare and Helene

October 9, 2024

SARA writes:

I have been contemplating your October 2 post about Hurricane Hazel and other natural disasters.

I agree with many of your points about fear mongering and what (in my opinion) is quite frankly a global warming hoax. I do believe that the issue is a bit more nuanced when it comes to weather warfare; that is to say that it appears that we have the capacity to steer hurricanes, at least to some extent. In reference to the most recent hurricane (Helene) perhaps you have seen this short video.

Apparently the capacity to steer hurricanes has been available for at least 70 years. (That is not to say every hurricane is steered.) I leave you with a video on that history. While I do not endorse everything this man says or does, I am simply leaving the video here to consider his points on the ability to steer hurricanes. It’s up to us to dig deeper and not buy into everything we hear in the media.

While I am not a meteorologist or a scientist, I think many of us are aware that cloud seeding has been going on for some time and the ability to make some areas dry and others wet exists and is currently used. Geoengineering is all explained here. This process involves serious amounts of rain! There is also the ability to chemically nucleate clouds and create hail in places that don’t normally have it.

I will go out on a limb and say there have been some strange patterns of weather warfare involving poor populations living in areas that are wealthy in terms of their natural resources or great beauty, or alongside populations that are exclusive. And there has been an eerie resemblance in different weather disasters of the government thwarting efforts of escape or real help. I am thinking of the Lahaina fires and also Hurricane Helene, but there are other examples recently (hurricanes in Acapulco).

It is certainly conceivable that there are ulterior motives, particularly when you consider Agenda 2030. There is a wealth of information out there on WEF and UN agendas (including on your website) and provide a lens to view government creation and/or governmental response to disasters.

Laura writes:

Thank you for the links and for the thoughtful comments!

We only need to look up at the skies and see the aerial spraying from planes to know that weather engineering exists. What a crime against humanity! And they say we live in a “democracy” ….

But the idea that the vast systems of air involved in hurricanes and tornadoes can be steered is just hard for me to accept. I know that people disagree and this is suddenly a big topic with Helene even though the type of flooding that occurred in North Carolina was not unprecedented. Once things have calmed down, I’ll look at the evidence more.

In the meantime, the records are there for storms of the past.

In 1916, 83 people died in the Asheville region and the whole town experienced devastating flooding, with ten feet of water in the downtown. During a storm in a mountainous area, it rains more heavily on the mountain and towns below are susceptible to flooding.

The 1916 storm in the Asheville region

That storm, if it occurred today in western North Carolina, would probably be more devastating because the area is more populous and developed. Hurricanes will always have a greater impact on the poor because their houses are flimsier. In terms of Helene, there are serious questions about what was done with the dam at Lake Lure. Were the floods made worse?  I don’t doubt that intentional redevelopment by disaster occurs. There are a whole lot of suspicious things that happened in Maui. Definitely a manipulated event — but a separate issue.

Let’s say that scientists can direct enormous and unpredictable currents of air. I’m wondering, if they are that brilliant and skilled, if they are able to control wind and water on that level, maybe they deserve to run the world? And why hasn’t this technology been used more often by the military? The contest for world power is over. And shouldn’t we thank them when the weather is nice?

This narrative that the government can steer hurricanes plays big time into the UN 2030 agenda. (And notice how it burst on the scene recently, almost as if it was intentionally spread.) Suddenly people on the right, who used to see major acts of extreme weather as acts of God,  are agreeing with the climate change alarmists in that what human beings do is the central factor in large storms. You know what I mean? The right and left have converged and now weather is a matter of what the government does.

Here’s some weather hysteria from John Kerry. Sigh. And people actually believe this. It’s this power to control — with fear and myth — that really concerns me.

Television coverage of approaching storms is another concern. Actually a serious disaster could be simulated on TV for ulterior purposes, not that this has happened yet. The social engineers may not be able to control hurricanes, but they are expert at generating fear, distraction and hopelessness.

In the meantime, I am so sorry for all those unfortunate people who saw everything washed away. Will they really get much relief when we give billions to foreign governments and so many foreigners, when FEMA now actively discriminates against white areas in the name of “equitable recovery”?


— End of Initial Entry —

Sara writes:

I understand your reluctance to think that the technology exists to steer hurricanes. I don’t have all the answers, but I am open to the possibility, and have not spent the time to research it further. I have seen images of the patents online. If they can manipulate the environment through stratospheric aerosol injections, why stop there? My father was a highly trained, brilliant scientist, and he refused to even acknowledge, despite the evidence I pointed out to him, that geoengineering exists. It’s incredibly hard to wrap your mind around what you call “crimes against humanity.” These elites are evil and want to play God! One only has to listen to a WEF spokesman, Harari, to know that we are viewed as “hackable animals” and every part of our lives should be controlled. I brought up the situation in Lahaina because apparently that area was designated to become a smart city, as was Asheville. I have seen map overlays online of Lahaina (DEW created?) fires that correspond to the Smart City map.

I suffered through your mercifully short video post of John Kerry. The man makes me sick, preaching to us about reducing our carbon footprint, while he lives in his mansion and flies around in his private jet in order to extinguish the release of carbon (us). The fear mongering is incredible. I threw out my TV decades ago and select my viewing online. I suggest everyone do the same to remove themselves from the influence of the fear-mongering media shills. It’s imperative that we think for ourselves in these deceitful times.

Laura writes:




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