Reconquering America
November 6, 2024
WHEN European settlers came to this continent in the 15th and 16th century, they found a vast and magnificent wilderness populated by barbarous people given to tribal warfare and demon gods.
Europeans conquered America and, despite the conflict among colonial powers, it was a righteous conquest.
Europe gained a new and much-needed territory to support its families and defend what still remained of Christian civilization from Islam and Asian apathy, from the darkness of Africa, from the rationalism and atheism afflicting the European continent.
We take it so for granted. But America could have been conquered by a much worse people. Left to itself, it would have been.
Beginning in the 16th century, Muslims, over the course of three centuries, would drag into slavery more than 1.25 million Europeans, snatching them from ships and off the coasts of the Mediterranean and even the North Atlantic. Major portions of the Italian coastline were abandoned, so fearful were people of Muslim raiders. Thousands of European boys were taken to surgery centers by Jewish slave dealers and castrated. They would serve as eunuchs for Muslim harems and Ottoman courts and, unless they were ransomed, would never see their families again. (See ‘Recommended Reading’ below for sources.) That’s how powerful Islam was — and the Europeans who first came to America were highly conscious of the threat.
Imagine if Europeans had not ventured, at great risk and sacrifice, to develop the wilderness they found. Some other powers would ultimately have taken it and taken the entire world down, just as now Africa, having shed European colonialism, is being conquered by worse forces. Christian civilization needed America. Europeans tragically needed the help of African slaves to accomplish this task, but the much-neglected truth is that those slaves were awed by the white civilization they encountered and grateful to the masters who fed, housed, and clothed them, masters who treated them with kindness and protected them from the cannibalism and tribal warfare they left behind. Only since have their descendants been fed the ways of ingratitude and envy.
Yes, it was a righteous conquest. Christian civilization has always been a light unto the world — the highest civilization and the most charitable civilization to all races and non-civilized peoples. The white race is its chosen defender — and there is no other race equal to the task, even now when whites are so very decadent.
Much is made of the Freemasonry of America’s founders and this was indeed a great defect, as were the Enlightenment principles that established a secular democracy. But it could have been worse. The Founders were, to a man, conscious of the importance of this land for the white race. For that and their belief in the natural law, they deserve great credit. Both Protestants and Catholics would find a welcome home here and flourish, creating safe, stable communities that would eventually send billions in charity to the rest of the world. Not all was wholesome at all, but only the white race is able to look with truly brutal honesty at its own failings — and we do.
Today, those stable and safe communities no longer exist for many Americans. The white race stopped believing in this great project of European conquest and is now seeing the fruits of its ancestors’ hard work stolen. Addled, weak-minded Christians started to believe that they could entirely spiritualize their faith, that it didn’t need to be rooted in organic peoples. They flatly denied that we are soul and body. By a strange blindness that no other people in history have probably possessed to such a degree, they started to believe that protecting their own was evil — while surrounded by other races who did not embrace suicide.
The white race has become decadent and soft, allowing its children to be taught to hate their history, embracing suicidal immorality and standing by while whites are killed in the most savage ways. Take for instance the case of 66-year-old artist, Carrie Kwok, who was painting a mural on the ground in St. Paul, Minnesota this September when she was approached and shot dead in the head.
This peaceful and gentle woman is a fitting symbol for the cluelessness of whites to their situation. In times of white paternalism, even in the days of slavery when whites in the antebellum South lived surrounded by blacks, there were few Carrie Kwoks. I will not forget her and many others like her in city neighborhoods trashed and turned into jungles.
America can still be reconquered. Sound impossible? I don’t believe it is.
It was and always will be a righteous cause. White paternalism is a force for good. White paternalism cannot exist unless whites have their own homelands.
Today, as many celebrate the victory of Donald Trump, I hope white Americans, who make up the large part of his supporters, keep in mind that it is not enough to deport a million illegal aliens — something he might not even accomplish. America must be reconquered for the white race. That means that many non-whites, even those here legally, must be peaceably repatriated to their homelands at considerable sacrifice and hardship for whites themselves. I am not advocating racial purity, but the existence and the maintenance of a strong, overwhelmingly white majority.
The alternative is an ongoing return to a barbarism much worse than what the early colonialists found, as this magnificent statue of General Robert E. Lee, defaced under Trump’s first presidency, so vividly reminds us. Here we see the ancient darkness of Africa aiming at the very heart of America. Please understand, this is not just hatred of us. It is hatred of God and his Creation.
The mental disease of anti-white political correctness must be defeated. So must the anti-Christian universalism spread in so many churches, contrary as it is to Revelation and God’s obvious purposes for this world. God never was and never will be a One-Worlder. He despised the Tower of Babylon. The mental disease of feminism and the terrible sins of promiscuity must go too, so white families —- yes, white families — can be restored under an economic system that brings men and women together with the means to sustain families.
America must be reconquered. Let’s repent of our people’s sins. To love our own is not to hate others. There is no other alternative but to see this as a war of survival.
Congratulations, Mr. Trump. I couldn’t support you (or Kamala), but I support those who did. I hope they defend not just Donald Trump, but their people.
America must be re-won not just for the good of whites but for the good of the entire world. It is enough in the meantime for whites to protect themselves and this still-beautiful land for their descendants.
May God protect us and forgive us our many sins and pernicious errors. For all this today is merely His most loving chastisement. May He also protect Donald Trump and strengthen and help him.
May the truth so invigorate our souls that we never forget that Jesus Christ is King of all societies and all nations whether they acknowledge His loving Sovereignty or not.
Recommended Reading:
Jeff Fynn-Paul, Not Stolen: The Truth About European Colonialism in the New World, Bombardier Books, 2023; 424 pages.
George Franklin Feldman, Cannibalism, Headhunting and Human Sacrifice in North America: A History Forgotten, Alan C Hood & Company, 2008; 272 pages.
Richard J. Chacon, North American Indigenous Warfare and Ritual Violence, University of Arizona Press, 2013; 294 pages.
Christy G. Turner II, Man Corn: Cannibalism and Violence in the Prehistoric American Southwest, University of Utah Press, 2011; 552 pages
Robert C. Davis, Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast, and Italy, 1500-1800, Palgrave Macmillan, 2003, 246 pp.
Agobard de Bretagne, Jewish Slave Traders: The Jews, slavery and the slave trade through the centuries; Independently published 2022; 469 pages.
— Comments —
Dianne writes:
Sharing this with as many as possible….. carefully.
My statement with it is, “I love this woman”.
God bless you, Laura. You are a hidden American treasure. I wish not so hidden.
Laura writes:
That’s nice of you!
Kathy G. writes:
I agree with most of what you’ve posted here, but am not so optimistic about the possibility of reconquering America. The conditions are so different. In reading Cardinal Manning’s “The Present Crisis of the Holy See“, written in 1861, even then he saw the loss of Christian Faith, the rise in paganism as a result of the religious indifferentism America was founded on, and foresaw what we are living through today. There is no longer a Catholic Church capable of evangelizing/converting the people, or even catechizing them properly. People have been scandalized against Christianity. Even Protestants ignore pagan America and go to Africa, Jamaica, and South America to mission and spread the Gospel. And without proper catechesis, any reconquering will require Divine intervention. I highly recommend Cardinal Manning’s book, really a series of speeches. It is available online, but I recommend buying it, so you can highlight and reread.
Laura writes:
I’m thinking of ensuring survival, but the chances of even that without a spiritual reconquest is indeed remote.
Let me put it this way: I continue to clean my house even though the world is in a state of spiritual crisis and only God can solve this crisis. Similarly, we should strive to correct our social problems even though the most serious problem we face is spiritual and cannot be solved by us because of the state of the Church, as Cardinal Manning so well foresaw.
We are living through a period of darkness caused by the destruction of Catholic worship as far as we can see, after the introduction of the bogus “New Mass,” and the reign of false popes. Ite, Missa Est. “Who is unable to see the great spiritual drought since the late 1960s, a great withholding of graces?,” Laurence Brey wrote in 1997. Lies and blindness surround us at every turn — just as was prophesied for this time.
Any “reconquest” can only be a way of grasping at justice and truth until God intervenes. We can keep cleaning our houses and gravitate toward the light. Our enemies seek to obliterate all the distinctions — racial, national, sexual — that undergird family, community, nation and individual existence itself. I cannot but hate these inhuman schemes — part of the same revolt against God — and strive to overturn them. But without those graces, we are greatly hampered.