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Trump-style Feminists « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Trump-style Feminists

November 25, 2024

Surgeon general or beauty pageant contestant?

TRUMP, the former sponsor of beauty pageants, is in his element assembling his staff for his second term. Tulsi Gabbard, Pam Bondi, Kristi Noem, Janette Nesheiwat — attractive, telegenic women are a big part of the package. All that’s left is for them to walk down the runway in bathing suits.

Long gone are the days when to be a conservative woman meant to exhibit modesty and defend traditional sex roles, with women ceding leadership in political affairs to men.

Today a “conservative woman” may work against abortion and transgenderism, but her whole way of life supports the very things that lead to family breakdown and are the foundation of moral decline. They are role models for feminist ambition. They make little girls want power instead of invisible influence.

The real leaders behind the scene are men.  The more women are empowered, the more the politicians are merely puppets. Feminism is a lie — a total lie. It doesn’t really empower women. It makes them losers in the fields in which they are most naturally gifted.

I saw Pam Bondi, Trump’s pick for attorney general, in a televised interview with a low cut top and a prominently displayed cross around her neck. That said it all.


— Comments —

Kathy G. writes:

As the Trump Show, Whitehouse 2.0  gears up for its premier, it is striking how very like a “FOX Nation” offering it all is. These women Trump surrounds himself with dress like TV weather girls, or FOX News beauties, and some of the  outfits are reminiscent of the old “Frederick’s of Hollywood” glamor ads. It is all so fake.

I am now convinced that few of these “women” in the public eye in entertainment or politics are actually women. They nearly all are broad shouldered with the suspicious shoulder:hip ratio, have brow ridges, long arms and man necks with oddly prominent neck cartilage.

Many seem overly fashion-conscious, as in fashion as a prop. There was a time that I would be horrified to have even entertained such mean thoughts about anyone. But, like reader VM observed, that is one of those default Christian values that has hampered us from understanding the pervasiveness of the deception we live under. What we consider evil, beyond the pale, and deceitful, or would fail to even consider at all, others consider amusing and useful. How diabolical to place gender inverts into positions of power and admiration to deceive people into following them or worshipping them as ideals and saviors. Elite gender inversion is real, satanic (religious) and has gone on for generations. From KellyAnne Conway to all the Trump wives, there are some odd things going on. It’s necessary to understand and recognize the enemy and his tactics.

Laura writes:

It’s necessary to understand and recognize the enemy and his tactics.

Do we have to? Yuck.

Dianne writes:

How absolutely perfectly said, Laura.

I always think, just go home, be a wife and mother, a grandmother, you who call yourselves conservatives.

Feminism is a rot that has permeated nearly everywhere, everyone. No one can even smell the stench anymore.

Thank you for being a very lonely voice, in this and in all the matters you address.

Laura writes:

Thank you.







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