White Privilege: Irish Edition
November 7, 2024
AN AFRICAN gang reportedly beats an Irishman.
This is the kind of thing you find in this country too, but not in Harris/Walz neighborhoods.
What is the answer to this phenomenon? I will tell you what is not the answer — and that is race war or violent retaliation.
The answer is peaceful separation. Africans belong in Africa and Europeans belong in Europe. Racial harmony is possible, but not by throwing people together into an amorphous mass of workers and consumers. In the meantime, this type of crime should never disturb our good will toward the people we meet in this multicultural society.
— Comments —
Kathy G. writes:
This posting is a tough one. Tiny Ireland is being obliterated by violent low IQ savages imported by an occupying “government” to destroy the native population. The savages know they have pretty much free rein against whites, and attack in gangs. Is it unChristian to resist this? Are the Irish simply the updated version of Christians being thrown to the lions? We know these savages are not competent or suited to be a replacement population, simply by looking at the countries they come from. They are being brought in to murder, persecute, and outbreed/interbreed whites. Christ told us “live by the sword, die by the sword”. Yet, God did help His people in wars at times. It is very odd that the feisty Irish who refused subjugation by Britain, and fought it for hundreds of years, don’t seem to be mobilizing against this as they have in the past. I can’t help but believe this is a spiritual paralysis, an apathy sickness from the absence of belief in Righteousness, Truth, Objective Reality, and the existence of Evil/depravity.
Laura writes:
It’s sad about the Irish. It could be resisted in collective, non-violent ways. Mass work strikes or tax resistance could bring the economy to a halt until migrants are repatriated to their countries. Otherwise, it will devolve into war because there are feisty Irish still and they will never accept this.
Kathy writes:
You are right, of course. People see that they are being goaded to respond. There is very little “government” response to the attacks on whites, while the response to any white backlash is disproportionately punitive against the whites. So, they, and we, are left with civil disobedience. The attacks will escalate as the attackers perceive there will be no repercussions to them, and they themselves are installed over the whites and called “government”. This is their nature, excepting a few outliers. People need to understand this, and protect themselves accordingly. It is Christians being thrown to the lions on a global scale, and pagan Babylon finds it entertaining.