Trump Picks Indian for FBI
December 2, 2024
IMAGINE India choosing a white American to run its top domestic security agency. I guarantee you, it wouldn’t happen. This government is a joke. It’s just a big DEI corporation run for the benefit of international thieves and our “greatest ally.”
Trump made it clear during his campaign — his second term will open our borders to many more Patels. So it only makes sense he would pick a Hindu like Kash Patel for director of FBI.
If Indians, by the way, will make us “great again,” as Trump has implicitly asserted, why are they eager to leave their own country? Shouldn’t it be too wonderful to give up?
I am really sick of saying what appears to be mean stuff like this. After all, I have nothing against hard-working Indians. I would want to move here too if I were them. But this unfolding nightmare won’t benefit anyone in the end but thieves and racketeers.
Interesting fact: Patel has been a big pusher of the Q-anon psyop.
— Comments —
Tony S. writes:
Not to get too philosophical, but this is part of the fallacy of modernity.
By accepting the nominalist position that there are no universals, the essence of a thing is done away with. All that is left is efficient causality; every state is secondary to a preceding cause. Therefore, there are no essential differences between human groups. Human differences are simply due to different environmental factors acting on different human groups.
This makes the replacement of one ethnic/racial group possible for nothing will be lost. All people are the same if they have the same factors acting on them. Race, ethnicity, even gender, are social constructs. For those of us who notice that different groups and the sexes are in their essence different/unique, we can be labeled bigots. And this constant labeling is a form psychological warfare, slowly convincing us that to remark on differences is mean.
Laura writes:
Those who free themselves from these philosophical shackles get sanity and sense as rewards.
Modern philosophy is a state of perpetual mental nausea. It’s a flu-like queasiness of the mind.
Kathy G. writes:
Agree. These Modernist heresies are madness, and those adhering to them consider the rest of us heretics. It is not mean to speak Truth, no matter how much the Modernists try to use your own decency/Christian Faith to silence you. After all, they never shrink from offending those who disagree with them, often in the foulest and cruelest manner. That is not to say that people sometimes do speak Truth, but are gratuitously cruel in the way they do it. I have had that happen to me, and it is nothing like what you post. But, I have to admit, the cruelty stunned me into listening to them, and re-evaluating myself/beliefs. So, all in all, cruel or not, I’d rather hear Truth, even if it hurts.
Simply observing the decline in civility, cleanliness, safety, etc. of the invaded Western nations puts the lie to the Magic Dirt theory, and the fungibility of races.
I also agree with an increasing feeling of unease and nausea over the satanic inversion we are experiencing, especially the attacks on the family, women, children, and old folks. None of which would be happening had they not targeted the men first. The more I learn, the more it appears we’ve lost knowledge, history, maybe even the correct chronology of history and time itself. Western nations are so deceived and lost, only prayer and Faith keeps me from despair at our situation. It is almost a distress of being adrift or lost in a foreign land.
Thank you for being an island of sanity for the scattered sheep!
Robert Manning writes:
I can’t imagine India choosing a white American to run anything, much less an important Indian government position, because it can’t happen. A white man would have to be a citizen of India, which would mean that he is not a U.S. citizen or, by some definition, an “American”.
Because the various modern definitions of “American” often have little or nothing to do with the equally various definitions of “citizenship”, I no longer conflate “citizen” and “American” because so few can define either.
India is not confused or conflicted about Indian citizenship.
Patel is a model modern birthright U.S. citizen and a model modern “American”.
That would be America 3.0.
America One died long ago. American 2.0 was founded by the 14th Amendment.
America 3.0 was founded in 1964-65 with the two great Acts.
Patel is certainly qualified to run this “America’s” FBI.
Laura writes:
Being a citizen is more than legal papers, but certainly not in America 3.0.