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A Biblical, Catholic View of Race Differences « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Biblical, Catholic View of Race Differences

January 13, 2025

Drunkenness of Noah, Giovanni Bellini


FROM Rev. James L. Meagher, D.D.’s How Christ Said the First Mass: Of the Rites and Ceremonies of Jesus and the Apostles, Foretold in the Hebrew Passover (Christian Press Publishing, 1908), p. 94-95:

Noe, the second Adam, father of mankind, high priest and image of Jesus Christ, planted a vineyard, pressed the grapes and made wine. Not knowing its effect he took too much, lay naked in his tent, an image of our High Priest stripped of his garments, crucified, dead on the cross. Ham, Noe’s second son mocked his father as the Jews mocked the dying Christ. His two other sons, Sem and Japheth with a cloak, covered their father’s nakedness.

Rising from his sacrifice, Noe blessed and cursed, as Christ was to rise from the tomb after his sacrifice and bless his followers with the gift of the Holy Ghost, while the curse of his blood rested on the Jewish nation.

“Cursed be Canaan, a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.” He could not curse Ham, for God had blessed the three sons and the curse rested on Canaan’s children. Ham’s sons settled Palestine, which they cursed with the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah. But Ham’s tribes settled Africa, and find their vocation as slaves and servants waiting on the white men. Cursed in the passion their father mocked in Noe, the African race love to serve as servants to the other races. [See note below.] Living since in deepest degradation, among them never rose religion, literature, invention, genius, or progress. The other races will not receive on an equality one in whose veins flows their tainted blood.

Prophetic words the Holy Ghost pronounced through Noe on the sons who covered him. “Blessed be theLord God of Sem, let Canaan be his servant.” Thus he determined that the “Lord God,” Jesus Christ would be born of Sem’s race, the Jews. Christ’s genealogy shows him as son of Sem. He is the glory of the Jewish Semites. The other Semitic nations settled Asia, where they have remained stagnant, conservative, unprogressive, hardly improving since the patriarchs, for they were not blessed with the grace of change.

To Japheth : “The enlarging ” or “The white man,” Noe said ” May God enlarge Japheth, and may he dwell in the tents of Sem, and Canaan be his servant.” ^ TheHebrew has here for ” God ” the word “Shekina,” the Holy Ghost, who spoke through Noe and gave Japhet’s sons, the white races, that colonizing instinct, civilization, progress, advancement, invention, superiority—the unrest of bright minds which down the ages lifted them to the highest prosperity, culture and refinement. This is the reason the white men are so superior to the other races. God foresaw the Jews would reject Christ, that the white men would receive him, and thus he prepared them for their mission to receive the Gospel and carry on the Church.

Before this blessing Moses always mentioned these three brothers according to their age, Sem first and Japhet last ; after the benediction the last is given first as the leader of the others. God later blessed the Jews throughAbraham, Isaac, Jacob and the patriarchs, gave them the instinct of money-making that they might use the powerof wealth in missionary labors. They rejected the call to Christianity when they killed Christ. But God works without repentance, the blessing still rests on them while the white races receive and administer the Church they refused.

Note: Incitements to envy obviously no longer make the eagerness to serve among the African race common.

Also, please note that nowhere in what Fr. Meagher says here is there any inducement to racial hatred. To recognize differences is not to advocate harm or hatred. To the contrary, it is modern racial egalitarianism that provokes racial strife and animosity.

It’s important to bear in mind when we speak of some people receiving curses or divine chastisements that we are all cursed. The entire human race was cursed with the Fall and the sin of Adam and Eve. Original sin is only absolved through Baptism and we still bear the effects of it ever after.


— Comments —

David writes:

An excellent post on racial differences especially because it gives the reason for the racial differences. This is something everyone with eyes and a smidgen of honesty can see for themselves. Still, it needs to be said, and I’m glad you did it.

Laura writes:

A smidgen of honesty?

I don’t think you’ll find much of that. There’s too much vanity invested in racial egalitarianism for honesty — monstrous vanity on the part of whites.

Jonathan writes:

This topic, racism, has made cowards, fools and liars out of practically all whites. It is the preeminent sin that no one can define. No one can explain why its origins as a sin are less than a hundred years old, and why it emerged from revolutionary, secular, even Jewish sources. There is no clear Catholic teaching on the “sin of racism,” quite the opposite. Show anyone on the street the Meagher quote and he will rend his garments with disgust, decrying its overt racism. But this curse of Ham is, at least, made allowable by Pope Pius IX in his prayer for Africa below which most people would see too as racist:

Let us pray for the wretched Ethiopians in central Africa, that Almighty God may at length remove the curse of Ham from their hearts, and grant them the blessing to be found only in Jesus Christ, Our God and Lord

—-Pius IX, the Book of Indulgences, 1878

The idea that a true pope would give the world an evil prayer, involving an evil, erroneous interpretation of Scripture, but enriched with indulgences, is to make the papacy worthless and even harmful.

If racism didn’t involve the survival of the white race, it could maybe be a parlor topic. But whites are not allowed to have their own countries while the other races are. Mixed societies are meant to be destabilizing and weak. I don’t see our people surviving the poison of multiculturalism enforced on us by the fake sin of racism. I don’t see the white man confronting this in time.

David, whose mother was black, writes:

Jonathan is absolutely correct in his analyses about the imaginary sin of “racism” and the indulgenced prayer for the conversion of the Ethiopians. But Our Lord is merciful, and the prayer also demonstrates that for the “wretched Ethiopians” the curse of Ham can be removed, with the promptings of God’s grace and moral righteousness.

I hope such is the case for me.

Laura writes:

It’s a liberating concept for blacks.

Kathy G. writes:

Thank you for posting Fr. Meagher’s lesson.

Jonathan recognizes that the sin of racism is relatively recent. We know the marxist/jewish revolutionaries traditionally focused on class, and sewing division between them to create their trademark dysfunction and discord. America had no ingrained class consciousness, as a new country without established fiefdoms or elevated political-social status. So, they got creative and saw we did have the African race, and with the influx of immigration from various nations, race could be made the focus of division. We know now they drove the slave trade into the US and West Indies, owning the ships and auctions, but now point the finger at Southern agrarian whites for slavery.

This racism sin is very peculiar, as is the secular religion of multiculturalism that preaches it. There is no concern for racism on the part of any other race. Only whites are “afflicted” with it. There is no way to atone for it but submission to genocide, as all whites are deemed inherently racist. When other races are blatantly racist against whites, it is applauded, a multiculti “devotion”. It’s not surprising that this strategy has been invented. What is surprising is how whites, especially women, have accepted it and believed it, and have not seen the parallels with marxist class division. A huge part of it is media and thought control, and the gov’t “school” indoctrination and dumbing down. With the Federal Reserve controlling the economy, they have us paying for our own genocide. The level of this deception (and many others we are living under) and psychological control is beyond even the cunning of the jews, there is demonic influence assisting. White people need to wake up and turn back to God. But the media and false prophets have poisoned them against Christianity, and we have the Operation of Error. I agree with Jonathan, we are running out of time, and we are up against horrendous evil.



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