“Defining the Deep State”
January 29, 2025
FROM Peter Eric Hendrickson, author of “Cracking the Code, The Fascinating Truth about Taxation in America” come these reflections on the ‘Deep State’:
THERE ARE TWO PHENOMENA typically complained of (by conservatives, especially) in regard to Washington, DC: the “Deep State” and the “Swamp”. Often the two terms are used interchangeably.
Both terms refer to real things (metaphorically speaking). There IS a “swamp”. and there IS a deep state. They are NOT the same thing.
But the creatures of the real Deep State encourage the conflation of the two Washington infections as a means of providing themselves with cover from meaningful political attention which would otherwise be a threat.
This conflation serves the purpose because the “swamp” is merely the envelope of corruption, incompetence, bloat and waste which pork-and-patronage-larded oversized central-state bureaucracies always generate around themselves. The “deep state”, on the other hand, is a lean, purposeful competitor of the Constitutionally-limited republic on the prosperity of which it parasitically feeds. The notion that both are just parts of the same clown show makes the evil of the latter more difficult to discern and to effectively declaim.
SO, WHAT IS THAT lean, purposeful and parasitic competitor of our beloved Constitutional Republic? It is the Leviathan born on July 26, 1947 with Harry Truman’s signing of the National Security Act. Upon that stroke of the pen the “state” apparatus ordained and called into existence by the United States Constitution, pursuant to the principles and purposes laid out in the Declaration of Independence– the sole and explicit object of which was to secure, even against encroachment by the state thus created, the blessings of liberty to the People— acquired a misshapen and voracious Siamese twin.
That ill-begotten twin is dedicated– theoretically– to the preservation of the state and its interests. This goal is argued by Deep State apologists as necessary for the preservation of the People’s liberties, even though accomplishing it is said to require censorship, secret evidence, endless domestically-directed propaganda, the gutting of meaningful trial by jury, 24/7 unwarranted surveillance of every American (and everyone else, as well), the delivery of pallet-loads of American treasure to foreigners to facilitate their killing or oppression of other foreigners, kidnappings, assassinations, renditions and black sites, the general disparagement of rights of the People unspecified in the Constitution and the assumption by the state of powers not delegated thereto, just to name a few of the People’s liberties trampled in the process.
But hey, making an omelet requires breaking a few eggs, right? Or, to put it another way, sometimes you have to destroy a village in order to save it.
By way of Truman’s ill-conceived act (of which he expressed deep regret only a few years later, after JFK’s assassination with the obvious complicity of Deep State actors) America had fastened upon her the CIA, the NSA and the pernicious concept of “state secrets”– a notion fundamentally at odds with that of self-government, as nicely illustrated by its earliest use in concealing government culpability from the families of victims of a fatal plane-crash.
Read more.