The Heresies of Vatican II
March 15, 2025
THE system of beliefs created by the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) rejects Catholicism and is not the same religion.
For a sound list and explanation of some of the heresies included in the council documents and promulgated by leaders of the new religion, often referred to as Modernism, I recommend the article “The Principle Heresies and other Errors of Vatican II” by John Daly and John Lane.
This document comprises a list of the most important contradictions of Catholic doctrine we are aware of in the pronouncements of Vatican II, together with a summary, in each case, of the evidence showing that the false teaching is heretical, or in a few cases worthy of some less serious note of censure. We suspect that a careful reading of the Vatican II documents would bring many more heresies to light, but we think that those listed below are the best known and most blatant ones.
You may like the new religion. You may prefer the new religion. You may think it a vast improvement. You may focus on its many resemblances to Catholicism and contend that the rest doesn’t matter. You may insist on calling it Catholic. You may think dogma is evil and anyone who tells you otherwise deserves a punch in the nose because religion is all about what you feel, not what you think. But you cannot claim that it is the same religion practiced and defined for almost 2,000 years without denying the new religion’s explicit and public teachings.