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Nitida Stella: Two Versions « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Nitida Stella: Two Versions

December 13, 2018


NITIDA STELLA (Transl. Clear Star)

Clear star,
happy girl,
you are the flower of flowers;
O Blessed Mother,
Virgin Mary,
Pray for us!

Jesus, Savior,
lover of the world,
you are the flower of flowers;
O blessed Jesus,
Son of Mary,
We beg you, hear our prayer!

Kind mother,
worthy of every honor,
you are the flower of flowers;
O Blessed Mother,
Virgin Mary,
Pray for us!

Kind King of Kings,
author of the Law,
You are the flower of flowers;
O blessed Jesus,
Son of Mary,
Pray for us!

Queen of Heaven,
divine Virgin,
You are the flower of flowers;
O Blessed Mother,
Virgin Mary,
Pray for us!

Author: Anonymous
Composer: Jan Joseph Bozan (17th c.)




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