Amazon Chief Rejects “Noble Savage”
October 8, 2019
AN Amazon tribal chief made interesting comments to those gathering in Rome for “Pope” Francis’s highly-touted Amazon Synod.
Edward Pentin from The National Catholic Register reports:
An Amazon tribal chief told a Rome conference on Saturday that a “dictatorship” of missionary workers teaching liberation theology has sought to prevent development in the region, thus keeping indigenous people in poverty and misery.
Jonas Marcolino Macuxí, the chief of the Macuxi tribe, asserted such promotion of “primitivism” (an ideology that pre-Christian indigenous traditions and mores were largely noble and good and should be conserved) brought conflict to the region from the 1970s on, undoing all that earlier missionaries and indigenous peoples had achieved in terms of positive cultural assimilation for more than a century.
He also expressed concern that many of those advising the Pope on the synod have this same ideology and that the indigenous invited to attend it have been “indoctrinated to remain in their primitive state.”
This ideology of “the noble savage” — so condescending and restricting, as Chief Marcolino rightly suggests — pervades Counterfeit Catholicism, in which the non-European peoples of the world (the more primitive, the better!!) are bestowed with a sacred luminosity and superiority by virtue of their lack of civilization, of their not being indigenous of a Catholic civilization. This Worship of the Other is the inevitable result of the Cult of Man of Vatican II, the theological blitzkrieg of the 1960s that amounts to the ever-unfolding Great Apostasy. Since human beings by their very nature need a transcendent reality, the primitive man supplies this by virtue of his other-ness, as the writer Lawrence Auster has pointed out, and thus the Cult of the Other Man has swept across the Western world, giving messianic religious feeling to those bereft of God and reverence.
The “papal” pop star John Paul II, who for all his celebrity and crowd-pleasing charisma was as false of a pope as one can possibly be, was into this idolatry of the noble savage, as evidenced by his nude “mass” with bare-breasted tribal women. He was so callous, so insensitive to these primitives — and even more so insensitive to the rights of God — that he didn’t deign to teach them how to dress with feminine dignity and modesty. No, that would have been too Western. Truly, the Communist — and he was a Communist at heart — disdains the common man. He will leave him to himself, to his naked want, rather than elevating and inspiring him.
Kudos to Marcolino for speaking the truth!
Interestingly, Marcolino has left Counterfeit Catholicism, as so many millions of Latin Americans have. He appears to know that this mix of Cultural Marxism and religious indifferentism is not Catholic. Tragically, however, he has become Protestant, falling into that world of emotionalism and fundamentalism as so many millions have, instead of resisting the subversion of the Church.
Marcolino, who was illiterate until he was given the good fortune to be educated and is now a trained lawyer and mathematician, spoke at the conference entitled “Amazon: The Stakes,” hosted by the Plinio Correa de Oliveira Institute, part of the Brazilian-based Tradition, Family and Property movement.
He was baptized Catholic but became Protestant, partly because of the state of the Catholic Church in the region, according to the Plinio Correa de Oliveira Institute, which said he remains “very respectful to traditional and serious Catholicism.”
Infanticide, he said, has increased since the decline of Catholicism in the region.
In this interview with the Register during a break at the conference, Marcolino explains that indigenous Amazonian tribes continue to live very hard lives, largely because they are not permitted to develop from resources found on their own reserves. He explains how infanticide among indigenous tribes that had been ending continues because of the ideology of primitivism.
The Amazon Synod is yet another opportunity for this outrageous papal pretender — no more a true pope than I am the Queen of England — to promote nature worship, noble savage idolatry, Marxism, feminism, and enough religious confusion to blow the mental circuits of the average person — in short, everything but Catholicism. It is another manifestation of the deliberate and calculated spiritual devastation of Latin America.
With his replacement of Protestantism for “Catholic” liberation theology, Marcolino, in seeking opportunity for his tribe, is all too likely to succumb to more economic error, falling captive to the desolating hyper-individualism of modern Capitalism instead. But then his tribe members are probably already watching credit card commercials with “gay” couples and “liberated” women.