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An American Family Divides « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

An American Family Divides

June 9, 2010


THE ELDEST DAUGHTER of Al and Tipper Gore recently separated from her husband of twelve years, according to PeopleKarenna Gore Schiff, 36, has three children with her husband, Andrew “Drew” Schiff. Imagine watching as both your parents and grandparents divorce at the same time. For a child, that is a personal apocalypse.

This separation, like that of Al and Tipper, is “amicable,” friends say, raising the obvious question of why then it is happening at all. “Amicable divorce” is one of the great oxymorons of modern culture, a stock phrase from the marital public relations playbook.

People reports:

Drew, a medical doctor, works for biotech investment firm Aisling Capital, while Karenna, a lawyer by training, is collaborating on a documentary about inspirational women in history and volunteering at a legal aid clinic for domestic violence victims. “But mostly, she’s being a mom,” said the Gore friend.

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