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Ron Paul on Coronavirus « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Ron Paul on Coronavirus

March 17, 2020


FORMER CONGRESSMAN Ron Paul is not just a politician. He’s a medical doctor, a graduate of Duke University School of Medicine, who was in practice for decades. So he does have some expert knowledge on disease.

He seems to be the only public figure making these important points about the promotion of the coronavirus (though the title goes overboard in calling it a hoax). Bravo! As he says, the Orwellian Security State has taken a major leap forward. This virus is making America more and more like Wuhan every day.

But then do Americans deserve their famous civil liberties anymore?

Don’t you have to haveĀ someĀ capacity for independent judgement, some tiny shred of skepticism toward things the government and media tell you, in order to deserve reasonable liberty of action and thought?


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